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haaaaaaaaaaay aliens of wattpad!👽

lol I got this title from madia when aunt bam was all like "is it a amblert? tell me its not an amblert!"

lol I nearly peed my pants watching that play!😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹

anywho this chapters gonna be from the boys p.o.v

yes I said it, I said it, said it cause I can!

Lol what song was that ^_^ ♥!

ok back to the stoooooooooory

where is beatrix, natalie, melody, alice, and Anastasia!?

chris: where are the girls!

jake: (singing) I'm about to loose my mind they've been gone for so long I'm running out of time I need a doctor call me a doctor to bring me baaaack to liiiiiiiiiiiife

[A/N: ok if ya didnt get that your the slowest alien of wattpad ever! woah just kidding!😹 its a line from Eminem's song featuring sia]

jacob: dude it isn't funny that the girls has gone all M.I.A on us

jake: I wasn't laughing -________-

chris: (on his phone)

jacob: who ya texting?

chris: Avila

jake: who dat be?

chris: she's been my friend since forheva (p.o.v: girlfriend)

jake: (jumps) woah dude beatrix is gonna kick your @$$ if she finds out!

jacob: (laughing) agreed how long y'all been together?

chris: a month now:)

jake: oh yeah ya dead when beatrix find out

chris: she not gonna find out! what she doesn't know won't kill her right?

orlando: ay what do you guys wanna do today

chris: (jumps up) holy schist! Avila's having a party tonight and we can go!

boys: where?

chris: her house!

boys: aight leggo!

short chapter but a looooooooooooot of D R A M A!

chris cheating on beatrix!😱😱😲

Avila doesn't even know he dates beatrix!?😱

goal: tell me what you thought

[A/N: if your that mad to the point your cussing chris out tell me😹😹]

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