aye! if you gonna party lemme know!

2 1 3

the boys walk into Avila's house and it it giant


'jump' by flo rida ft. nelly furtado is blasting super loud and there is a lot of people there

orlando: daaaang her party is bigger than sa'mona's sweet 16!

jake: ya mean the one we accidentally got drunk at?

chris: yup

jacob: let's dance!

jake: I'm gonna go swim in the pool (takes off running)

jake p.o.v

as I was sprinting full speed I slammed into someone knocking them over

me: (gets up) ohmigosh sorry (holds out hand)

that someone grabbed my hand and that's when I saw her, she had a caramel skin color with waist long hair and she was wearing a American flag two piece swimming suit

???: omg sorry!

me: its okay I'm jake by the way

???: I'm terry, but my friends call me Camilia

jake: that's a pretty name for a pretty girl like you ; )

the music is still blasting loud and terry starts singing

terry: (singing) when I say jump you say how high never seen no body-ody get so high like a bird like a plane this party-ody insane this party-ody insane  so jump jump jump jump!  (begins dancing)

me: (p.o.v: daaaang she can move) (starts dancing on terry)

orlando: (sees jake) (p.o.v: 🙍 smh uh uh uh they girls gon kill them)

???: hey pretty boy

orlando: (turns around) erm.....hi (p.o.v: woo she fine!)

???: I'm Jamie who are you

orlando: (p.o.v: think of a lie........NOW!) erm.......Martin

Jamie: pretty name, for a pretty boy like you

orlando: (p.o.v: cornball) um....thanks

jake: (running with terry) I see you lando bro! (keeps Running)

Jamie: wanna dance?

orlando: um......sure (p.o.v: I ain't doing nothing though)

oooooh gingersnap!

jake: does flirting with a girl mean I'm cheating?

me: well, if I hit you with a left hook and I'm really right handed do you still get hit?


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what's gonna happen next!

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