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everyone is sitting around bored as ever it is still dark out side and everyone is worried about melody

anastasia: she'll come back

kyrah: (grips her head) OW!

boys: what!?

kyrah: my head

Khalil: other than your head being HUGE what's wrong with it

[A/N: my besties say that my head is HUMONGOUS. . . . . . . . . .they just loooooove to damage people's self esteem! (cough) Jada! (cough)]

kyrah: shut up Khalil, how does cotton balls taste

everyone: (ushers voice) let it burn gotta let it burn

Khalil: whatever (gets up) its late, I'm gonna go catch some z's

anastasia: me to

natalie: same

harmony: I'm staying

the ones that's going to sleep: well byeee (leaves)

babydoll: (singing) where da boyz at where da boyz at boyz at where da boyz at where da boyz at boyz at

melody: you have a good voice

babydoll: aw thanx girl!

melody: sing some more

babydoll: ok, Gucci this Gucci that Gucci errthang Gucci errthang Gucci errthang Louie this Louie that Louie errthang Louie errthang Louie errthang gimme this gimme that gimme errthang gimme errthang gimme errthang killing this killing that killing errthang killing errthang killing errthang

[song above]

babydoll: so where would beatrix wander off to

melody: the woods

babydoll: but it's dark!

melody: that's beatrix for ya

babydoll: your making her sound creepy

melody: (laughes) let's just. . . . . .go

[in the woods]

melody: hey look there's a trail🙆🙋!

babydoll: follow it?

melody: yolo! (steps on the trail)

[two VERY long and VERY boring hours]

melody: we need a miracle right now

something shiny catches babydoll's eye and she stops to look at it

melody: what's that

babydoll: clip

it was a hair clip with a diamond mermaid playing with dolphins on it

melody: I. . . . . gave beatrix this on the plane

[unread part]

melody: hey beatrix?

beatrix: (looks at her) yes

melody: last year before we met I went on a class trip down to Atlantis

beatrix: the place at the Bahamas?

melody: no like the real Atlantis the one that sunk and all

beatrix: that's so cool!

melody: and. . . . . . .(pulls out something) I want you to have this

beatrix: wow (puts in in her hair) I'LL NEVER TAKE THIS OFF! EVEN WHEN I GO TO SLEEP! (hugs melody) thanks!

[end of unread part]

melody: something's wrong

babydoll: ah duh

melody: (sees something else and picks it up, it is a small golden locket with the words adrianna engraved in it) what's this?

babydoll: (takes it) finders keepers

melody: (snatches it from her) no finders keepers!

babydoll: (whining and poking her bottom lip out) but its PRETTY like ME

melody: SO!?

babydoll: so I get t-

melody: tell you what, we split up and search for more clues and after an hour we meet back here

babydoll: ok. you take this trail and I'll take the other one (runs off into the blackness)

melody: I guess its just me, myself, and I

all of a sudden the trail lit up a light blue

melody: what the-

then everything the trees, shrubbery, flowers, EVERYTHING begins glowing blue

and not only that 'out the speakers' started playing out of nowhere!

[A/N: lol that's my song right thurr! its my ringtone, my alarm, my everything, you know that crazy commercial where the three dudes are sitting in the basement drinking and all of a sudden the deer bust out the wall like "HI!" and everyone starts dancing pssssshahahahaha. . . . .I'm so weird]

melody: (begins dancing)

the trail begins to light up brighter and brighter and the music got louder and louder

but what melody didnt know is. . . . . . . . . only she could see and hear it


chapter (spongebobs voice) twenny faaave

whatcha think of this?

and hol up!

what's with melody!?

is she trippin or is she trippin!

the omg girlz song rocked, yes?

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