Chapter 4

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Alfred was mad at himself. He didn't know why he kept staring, he was just shocked he didn't mean anything by it. Well if Alfred was mad at himself then this dude was infuriated.

The blonde boys face seemed to be red with anger but Alfred could look at nothing but his bushy eyebrows.

"I guess it's okay but next time don't stare unless you want someone to start rumors about you. Now you made me late for gym so I must be going." The bushy eyebrow kid spoke.

"No way! I'm going to gym too!" Alfred paused a moment. "Could I walk with you I kinda don't know where it is." Alfred smiled wearily.

"You could but don't try to make small talk with me, as you can probably tell I'm already angry and I don't need you to try and fix it."

Alfred was shocked no one at this school yet has spoke to him like that, he knew he messed up but it was a small mistake. "Geez maybe the weight from your eyebrows are making you cranky," Alfred whispered.

"Excuse you?" The blonde turned around and started walking away quickly. "If you really think that why don't you find the gym yourself."

"Hey wait up!" Alfred caught up with him quickly but didn't make an attempt to talk to him again.

When they made it to gym the teacher yelled at them and made them go to the track to run for the whole period while everyone else played rugby. Alfred was fine considering how athletic he was but the other kid seemed like the had to puke fifteen minutes in. Alfred slowed down to keep pace with him.

"Hey are you okay? Do you need water?"

"I'm fine. Get. The," The eyebrow kid was barely speaking coherently. "Bloody hell. Away from me."

"You don't look fine eyebrows."

The kid stopped and kneeled over his knees. "What did you just call me?"

"Eyebrows, I mean you never told me you're name so I had to call you something."

"My name is Arthur."

"Well Arthur you look like you're about to puke out your own stomach. Here I always carry water with me when I run so take a drink."

"I don't need pity from the likes of you."

"It's not called pity it called being a decent human being, now for the love of god eyebrows take the water!"

Arthur scowled but took the water and emptied it in one go. "Thanks jackass. Now we better keep running before the teacher yells at us again."

"Oh I think I can do that but the question is can you keep up eyebrows." Alfred snickered and began running again.

When Alfred arrived home from school and practice his mother was at the dinning room table looking at the job section of the newspaper.

When she saw Alfred she promptly put the paper down and ran to give Alfred a hug. "How was your first day? Oh I missed you so much I don't know how I'm going to be able to do this all year long."

Alfred laughed, "It was fine mom."

They both made their way to the cheap wooden table Alfred's mom found at a yard sale. "You can't just tell me it was fine I need detail, who did you meet, what did it look like?"

"I mostly hung out with the guys from football I already know. I also met a few girls, two already asked me out, I said no though. Then I had this Russian kid in government class and we had a really heated argument on which was better, fighter jets or tanks, I don't think he likes me because I called him a commie."


"What? I was losing so I got worried. Oh but the one person that really got me blood boiling was this one British dude. He was so rude, I mean I know I accidentally walked in on him changing but he was such butt hole about it. I don't like him one bit."

Alfred's mom stared at him a moment and then began to laugh like it was the funniest thing she ever heard. "You are definitely the son of your father. Well remember to keep your friends close but your enemies closer, what did this 'British dude' look like?"

"Uh, I didn't really pay much attention but he was blonde and had the bushiest eyebrows ever."

"Alright well I made dinner go eat." Alfred's mom then ruffled his hair and went back to looking for a job.
The next day when Alfred he went to go sit with his friends from football to eat breakfast. They talked about how Jason dumped his girlfriend and somehow ultimately ended up on talking about girlfriends or girls they liked.

"So Alfred you're really popular with the ladies, see any girls yet that you like?" Brandon, the line backer asked.

"Not any so far, I'm not really looking for anyone to date right now anyway."

"Oh come on, the heartthrob of the school doesn't like anyone, that is so cliché. You're probably going to end up with Rebecca, isn't that how the movies go anyway."

As if one cue Rebecca, the most popular girl in school walked up. "Hey Alfred! I was wondering if you wanted to eat with me at lunch, I made cookies and I don't think I can eat them by myself."

"Uh," Alfred began, he got nudged by Alex who was siting next to him. "Yeah sure, that sounds good."

"Great! See you then!" Rebecca walked away in her brown high healed boots making loud clicking sounds as if she wanted everyone to notice her.

"Knew it!" Brandon said making the guys get all excited.

Truth was Alfred could care less about Rebecca, as he heard the bell ring he got up to start walking to his class wondering what kind of girls he actually liked. He was so deep in thought that he ran into someone making the fall down.

"Oh fuck! Sorry, here let me help you up." As the person looked up Alfred could see it was a girl.

She had short blonde hair with a headband in, she was wearing little makeup unlike Rebecca who seemed to be wearing pounds of it. She was wearing a cute dress with a basic pair of flats. Alfred's immediate thought was that she was the cutest girl Alfred had ever seen.

Then she opened her eyes and Alfred noticed that she had the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen.

"Watch where your going next time but I guess it's okay," she grabbed Alfred's extended hand, she cleaned her self off real quick then looked at Alfred again. "Ugh, you."

She had a British accent that made Alfred feel like flying, was this what he should feel for Rachel? "Um again I'm sorry. If you don't mind may I have your name?"

The girl looked confused for a second then seemed liked she remembered something. She smiled at Alfred. "My name is Alice."

Alfred didn't know what was wrong with him but he wanted to see Alice again.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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