Chapter 23

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His eyes twitched, adjusting from the darkness of sleep to the dull light pooling through the blankets of the fort. It took a while but Arthur finally came to the realization that he was awake but he would not open his eyes. He didn't want to get up, it was so warm and comfortable which was odd even with the large duvet he fell asleep with last night. Actually now that he thought about it he felt no fuzzy fabric from the duvet on his bare arms or legs, it actually felt like skin. When Arthur came to the realization he darted his eyes open only to hear Alfred snoring away with what seemed like a death grip around Arthur. Alfred's arms were wrapped tightly around Arthur's stomach and his legs locked together trapping Arthur's inside. Arthur faced in the opposite direction of Alfred's face but by the warm breath on his shoulder blade he could tell Alfred nuzzled his head into his back.

"Alfred get off me before I punch you in the face," Arthur said after several failed attempts before to squirm his way out of Alfred's hold. Sadly, saying that only made Alfred hug Arthur's body even tighter. Arthur sighed, he guessed it wasn't so bad, the alarm he forced Arthur to set last night to alert them to get ready for Arthur's group hasn't went off yet so he assumed it wouldn't hurt if he just let Alfred have his rest for a while longer.

Arthur delightfully fell back into sleep without even realizing, he had a short dream where he met the fire goddess and she blessed Arthur with eternal warmth. Sadly before Arthur was about to go on his next journey to find the emperor of comfort a annoying buzzing woke him from his sleep. This time waking up wasn't as delightful. He felt cold despite his duvet being back around his body, the comfort he awoke to earlier was replaced with a crook in his neck along with what felt like springs stabbing his back. The dim light from earlier was now jabbing rays of sunlight that hit his eyes forcing them to open. He sat up in the bed and realized the marvelous fort Alfred and him built last night was destroyed revealing the walls of Alfred's room. What the worst part was was that the human furnace that is Alfred was nowhere to be seen, Arthur reached across the air mattress, the bed Alfred should have been sleeping on to turn off the annoying buzz radiating from the clock. He pulled himself out of the bed and began to search for his bag, he left it somewhere in their makeshift kitchen which was right next to Alfred's desk, he gave a sound of accomplishment when he found the bag. He made his way from the room to the small bathroom adjacent to it in the hallway. He threw on his clothes, took off that dreadful device and brushed his teeth, he brushed his hair and finished with cleansing the remaining ointment off his face that didn't rub off into the pillow. He stepped out of the bathroom feeling much better than he had when he woke up the second time this morning he looked it his watch that he decided to wear to notice they had ten minutes before they planned to leave and he still has not seen Alfred once today. He decided the only thing he could do was to wait in the kitchen, he walked through the living and dinning room to step in to the kitchen. As he stepped in he was immediately hit with the smell of bacon and pancakes, he turned his neck to see Arthur completely dressed for the day flipping a pancake onto a plate that was already full. Somehow the pancake stayed on without knocking down the stack.

"Good morning Arthur, are you ready to eat!" Alfred said more as a statement than a question, plopping himself down at the breakfast table grabbing a plate and taking four pancakes from the stack and flopping them on his own plate, he took five strips of bacon from the other plate and finished with pouring himself a glass of milk.

Arthur sat down across from his and took a plate himself he only took two pancakes and one strip of bacon, choosing orange juice over milk. "I'd much prefer scones," he said cutting into the pancake choosing not to drown it in artificial maple syrup like Alfred had done. He laughed to himself at how Matthew would react to someone using that instead of real maple syrup.

"Well I'd prefer donuts but you don't see me complaining. Dude you should have saw yourself last night, I woke up around three a.m. with you wrapped up in a ball between my legs and stomach," Alfred said giggling happily with a face full of pancakes.

"What?! Well I woke up this morning with you holding me in a death grip, I thought I was in prison," Arthur said in retaliation watching as Alfred had already finished his breakfast.

"I guess we both like cuddling then, huh?" Said Alfred leaning against the back of his chair contempt with the amount of food he ate.

Arthur scoffed, Alfred always found amusement in the smallest of things. He left his pancakes half eaten as he stood up from the table telling Alfred they need to go so they won't be late. They walked in blissful silence to Feliciano's apartment, well accept for the chatter Alfred was spurting out at the beginning of their walk.

Alfred gave an enthusiastic knock when they reach the apartment door, second later Feliciano greeted them happily, "Oh Arthur I was so worried I thought you weren't going to come today, I think I'd go crazy if you left me! Oh? You have-a friend don't you, welcome, come on in!" They walked through the small passage and Arthur led Alfred to the living room while Feliciano ran around like crazy to keep his spaghetti from burning while providing everyone with drinks. As they entered the room everyone became quiet at the presence of Alfred, then Francis had to ruin it by whistling.

"Oh shut up, I only brought him so he'd shut his face last night," Arthur said plopping himself down by Ya. Instead of Alfred sitting down next to him like he expected he ran around the room almost as frantically as Feliciano.

"Ludwig you actually do go here, I wonder what's wrong with you. Mattie, my twin we need trick people sometime soon. Kiku high five! Oh god that creep goes here too," Alfred finished looking at Ivan.

"Not that I don't mind your friend but why is he here Arthur," Ludwig said blatantly annoyed at someone thinking there was something wrong with him.

"Sorry. Alfred sit!" Arthur said like he was giving a command to a dog and Alfred actually listened and sat down next to Kiku making him extremely uncomfortable.

They began the meeting, like always it was chaotic but Alfred just added more fuel to the fire making Arthur more irritated than usual. At one point Gilbert made Matthew cry and then Alfred yelled at him for making his 'brother' sad. Ludwig yelled in a fit of anger not only once but three times causing Matthew to cry even more and Gilbert to gawk about how cute his little brother was. Francis tried flirting with Alfred multiple times but Alfred didn't even notice and continued to harass Kiku about his favorite food getting not one peep from him. At some point Ivan left the meeting with no one noticing and Yao volunteered to find him leaving Arthur to grit his teeth for the rest of the meeting. Why exactly had he agreed to let Alfred come?

"Hey Arthur! Why do you never talk about these guys, they are so cool," Alfred said jumping down on the empty seat of the couch next to Arthur. The force caused Arthur, who was holding a cup of tea to drop it all over his pants. The hot tea stained his pants whilst making his legs burn. "Oh shit! Sorry Arthur!"

To accommodate for his actions Alfred grabbed a handful of tissues on the coffee table and tried to dry Arthur's pants before they stained. Alfred was too busy to realize that the tea spilled in a spot that was not decent for another person to touch. Alfred stopped vigorously wiping at the tea when he came to the realization of where it was. He looked up at Arthur with his face blooming with color. "Sorry?"

"Meetings over," Arthur stood up and walked out of the apartment to the nearest bus stop. Usually he walked home but today was not a day he would prefer to. He heard someone walking up and planned his best glare in the case of it being Alfred trying to apologize.

"Arthur-San," spoke an unfamiliar voice. Arthur turned his head to see a smiling Kiku. "Please don't be mad at Alfred-San, he can be pretty arrogant at times. What I really want to say though is, as the old saying goes 'open your damn eyes.'"

As Kiku finished the first ever words Arthur has heard him say the bus pulled up and Kiku stepped on it. Arthur was too in shock of Kiku talking to get on the bus himself, he watched as it rode away with utter bewilderment.

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