Chapter 11

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It was weird, every time Alfred had the chance he hung out with Arthur. He thought it was because Alfred wanted to make sure he was actually male but he even wanted to go grocery shopping with him. Arthur thought it was strange but he really would need help carrying the groceries home.

They were walking into town when the thought occurred to Arthur. "Don't you have practice or something?" He turned his head up to Alfred who seemed to be enjoying this walk thoroughly.

"Yeah, I do but I'd much rather buy groceries," Alfred replied.

What was up with Alfred? He was acting weird, missing practice to buy groceries with him. Arthur just nodded his head and continued walking to the store.

They bought all the foods and products his mother forgot to buy before she left. They were walking on the outskirts of town when they walked by Arthur's favorite clothing store. In the window they displayed a sweater dress, it looked to be Arthur's size. He didn't know he was staring at it until Alfred tapped him on the shoulder.

"Are you gonna buy it?" Alfred asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, so now you're acting normal about all this? I'm out of money from buying all of this food anyway," Arthur replied back.

"Well I had time to think last night and although I'm confused a bit by it, I understand as long as it makes you happy then you should keep doing it," Alfred looked at the dress and went into the store.

"What the-?" Arthur didn't understand Alfred one bit, he was rational one second and being obnoxious the next. He couldn't help but smile though, Alfred certainly was weird but Arthur liked that about him. He has been hanging around weird people his whole life, guess he just found another friend to add.

Alfred returned quickly holding a shopping bag. "Here, I hope I got the right size. The girl in there also suggested to wear it with these legging and boots. I hope you like it!"

"Why would you do that?"

"You deserve it. You look really cute either way but if you like to look like a girl then you might as well look like the cutest girl ever which isn't very hard since you're already cute!"

Arthur couldn't help but smile he took the bag and began walking. "Better get to my house before its dark." He hoped Alfred didn't see how happy he was to get the dress. He would have to pay Alfred back for buying all this later.
They arrived at Arthur's house as the sun began to set. Arthur got out the key and pushed heavy door opened. "Okay you can just set the bags down on the kitchen counter I'll put them away later," Arthur said making his way into the kitchen.

"Okay," Alfred followed after Arthur and set everything down.

Arthur was waiting for Alfred to start walking back to the door so they could say their goodbyes but Alfred made no visible movement. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Yeah that would be great!" Alfred said. Arthur put the water on the stove and walked out into the living room waiting for it to boil. He threw a stack of money on Alfred's lap then sat on the couch next to Alfred. "What's this for?"

"It's payback for buying me that outfit."

"No, no, no. That dress is a gift from me, if you payed me back their would be no point."

"If I didn't pay you back then I'd feel guilty, I mean the dress with the boots cost a total of one hundred twenty-eight dollars."

"Seriously take the money back, my family is loaded so you don't have to worry that is nothing compared to what I usually buy."

Arthur stared at Alfred. Why was Alfred being so stubborn about this? He knew he could not win this fight now but he would pay him back somehow. "Well I better get the tea made up."

Arthur returned a few minutes later with hot cups of tea. He hasn't spent that much time around Alfred so he didn't know what he should talk about.

"I'm sorry if it's personal but I want to know how you started to like looking like a girl," Alfred blurted out of nowhere.

It wasn't like it was something personal but Arthur couldn't figure out how to tell. He stared a the porcelain figurines his mother bought from different countries she's visited. "Well it started when I was six and my parents got this new babysitter for me. She loved to dress me up in her old dresses. My mother thought it was cute at first too. Then I started growing up and wore the dresses at my own will."

"Is that it?"

"Yeah, it's not like it was a huge out of the blue thing."

"Hmmm," Alfred gave a light chuckle. "I guess I was expecting a huge life changing events like in the TV shows. Wait, so your parents don't like you looking like a girl?"

Arthur yawned. "No. They've been sending me to a help group since I was eight."

"Oh so that's why you hangout with all those freaks?"

"Excuse you, I don't like my friends to be called freaks but yes, that is why I hang around them."

"Sorry, that's just what everybody else calls them," Alfred trailed off and looked down at his lap. "I need to go to the bathroom."

Alfred got up and left the room. He doesn't even know where the bathroom is, whatever he'll find it. Arthur turned on the TV to the news and pulled down the blanket that laid over the back of the couch.

He knew he needed to stay up until Alfred left but his eyelids became heavy. Before he knew it he drifted into a sleep state.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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