Chapter 4

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Sunlight shines through the window forcing me awake. I hear noises coming from what I think is the kitchen. I stretch out and take off the blanket on top of me. How did it there? He must have put it there. I can barely remember what happened last night. I find him very hard to trust, but who could after all of this. I wonder up the steps to the corner where I find the kitchen.

"Good morning would you like some breakfast?" He asks drying a frying pan. I eye him inquisitively and glance to microwave to look at the clock; one-thirty. He sighs, "I see we are back to square one with the talking." Harmless is all I see, not anything like Han. It seems he is the complete opposite, maybe I should give him a chance. I break my stare and smile, "No, I was just thinking it is awful late in the day for breakfast and I don't seem to have an appetite." He nods and has a hint of astonishment in his face, "That's what the drugs do to you," I give him a look, "I know what your thinking and no is your answer. I don't know that he drugged you, but I know my brother and I know what it looks like when someone is. First you were tired, then you had a shaking spell, and now you say you have no appetite."

"I have cold shaky spells like that anyways..." my voice trails off. "Oh, so what would you like for dinner spaghetti or steak?" Is he insane? "You are a guest so you get to chose," he states. "No I was forced to be here so you chose." He shrugs, "Alright, spaghetti it is. I start it in the next hour, I skipped lunch so I would be hungry when you were. That should the be in the next little bit because you woke up which proves the drugs are wearing off." I smile, "Do you try to be funny or does everything just come out that way?" He walks towards the stairs, "Me funny, that practically impossible."

He was right about the drugs, but never said I would have a headache or feel like I was going to explode. I manage to help fix the salads while he worked his so called "magic" on the stove. I do have to say that everything did smell amazing. I go to move the salad bowl to the table, but he stops me, "I will get it, you've helped enough for now. You better go sit down before you fall down." I nod and go to the table. The seats are very comfortable and stylish. Surprisingly his whole house is stylish, if I didn't know better I would think a woman lived here. He brings over a two small bowls and the big bowl filled with salad; sitting one small bowl at me, another at what I assume to be where he is sitting, and the salad in the middle.

"Feel free to go ahead and get your salad, I took the liberty of adding the dressing. I hope you like Italian," he says walking back to the stove. "Yes, I do," I scoop salad into my bowl. He comes back with two bowls, flatter than the others and almost a plate, filled with spaghetti. He gets two wine glasses off the wine fridge behind him. He pours out a small portion into his glass and heads towards mine. I quickly cover it and smile, "Sorry, but I don't drink." He turns his head to the side, "Seriously." I shrug, "Well, occasionally, but not wine I don't like it." He laughs, "What is it the bitter taste? I have the fruity desert kind." I shake my head, "No I just don't like it and here is the funny part my parents owned a vineyard." He turns around, "That actually could be a good reason why. Good thing I have sparkling juice." I laugh and my head pulses, "I think I might possible be up for that."

He pours my drink and I take a bite of the spaghetti. I could swear this was taste bud heaven. It's like he crawled into my mind and knew just how I liked it. He started laughing at me and that is when I realized I still had the fork in my mouth with my eyes shut. "So how does a person like you end up with a bro-" I stop, I didn't mean to let that come out. His smile fades, "A brother like Han?" He takes a deep breath. "No you don't-" I pause," I mean I'm sorry." He shakes his head, "No, it's alright. It is actually a simple explanation, Han chose to hang out with a bad crowd. We all got forced that way the only difference is I got out, but he didn't listen." I nod, but I fell as if I could fall on the table. My head is bursting and the room won't stay still. "You don't look so good," he gets up from his chair and comes to me. "Let's get you upstairs to lie down." I shake my head, "I am okay." He turns away, "Sure you are, hold on a second." Like I can go anywhere.

He comes back with a pill, "Here take this." I grab my drink. "This will help you sleep and then maybe tomorrow you'll feel better." He helps me up. "I told you I am fine." He walks me to the door of the kitchen. "Just keep walking. We are at the steps now so watch." I nod and fumble around with my feet until I find them. My eyes are closed and if I opened them the room would spin. I feel us walk through another doorway and then he helps me sit on a bed. "Okay, you can lay down now and go to sleep and I will stay on the couch." I push myself off of the bed, "No, I know what your couch feels like, I will sleep on it." He lets out a frustrated sigh, "Let's make a deal. I won't sleep on the couch, but since my bed is a king's size you have to sleep in here too. There is plenty of room for us both and I will even put pillows down the middle." I nod, "You don't have to put pillows I am fully capable of staying on my side, but of course I don't know about you." He grins and gives a small laugh, "Look at you, you have only been around me for a day and my humor is already starting to rub off." I laugh, but grab my head and slide towards the top of the bed. "Goodnight," he cuts off the lap, walks towards the door.

"It's Drea, by the way."

He stops in the door way. "I know," I say, "it's an unusually name." He smiles, "Not as weird as mine, Odakotah. My mom loves the Sioux Indians. She loves them so much she named her sons with their names. Everyone calls me Kota though."

"Nice to know. It suits you." He nods and walks out the door easing it up behind him.

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