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(Sorry the picture is in bad quality, I've been struggling with my drawing lately)


I've been so busy... I haven't been able to write much. However... I found my sis, or... she found me? I don't know.... But on our way flying home I was standing on the wing with Sonic, I think I'm starting to get use to it! Sonic told me that everything looks really tiny if you look off the edge, and we were about to fly over a grass field and my curiosity kicked in. So I grabbed the wing of the plane and looked over, and I saw this red dot in a pink dress. I looked closer and I couldn't believe it, it was my sissy. I noticed that dumb dog, uh... Sassy... Rosie... Daisy? I can never remember, I think it was Daisy. (Note from Tails: It was Daisy) So I ran to the other side and I wanted to hop down but, it would be one big leap of faith. So I yelled at Tails to get in that field, he looked at me like I was crazy and he didn't. Well, since I am crazy, I took that leap of faith and jumped. Sonic looked at me and his reaction was just as great as Tails, they both though I was BEYOND crazy but.. Tails's face was better, he had more panic in his face that I thought was so funny XD (Note from Tails: Well... What would you do if one of your friends jumps off a plane?)

I got close to the ground and I made this big pile of fluffy snow as fast as I could, I also did his one thing with ice and my clothes, then suddenly I became... A FLYING SQUIRREL CAT. (Note from Tails: She did kinda look like a flying squirrel. For an instant last minute idea, that was a good choice.) After that, I softly landed in the snow, then I made it all evaporate and took off as fast as I could to my sister. I realized Daisy didn't know I was there and she was going toward my sister, so I ran up behind her as fast as I could and tackled her. I pinned her down, froze her wrists to the ground and went to Sulex, she looked so exhausted and relieved. I hugged her and I asked her what she was doing and she simply said, "I'm sorry"

Me and my sister talked for a while before Tails finally turned the plane around and landed in the field. I waved and Sonic ran over, "Selux! Why did you--" and then he saw my sister and gave the common seductive smile and a, "Who's this?" I answered back, like I have a thousand times, "My twin sister Sulex, she needed me to fix something or there is an issue." Sonic suddenly leaned toward Sulex and said, "Oh... well, Hello~" and I just kinda stood there, while everyone else came running. Tails looked a me in a panic and he was gong on and on about, "Oh! Are you ok? Why did you jump?! Did you hurt anything?" and a couple other but I don't remember them, so once Amy and grumpy wumpy Knuckles came over I pointed at Sulex and said, "My twin sister Sulex, she needed me to fix something or there is an issue." Within seconds, you could tell they really liked Sulex they were talking and giggling and Amy was pouring her with complements and thing about make up and dresses... Things always work out like that, so I just went back to the plane, hopped up on the wing and waited. I knew they forgot about me already and I probably didn't exist anymore so, I just waited. 

After about 20 minutes everyone was back on the plane and I was napping in the back seat, everyone got in and I felt the plane wiggle and I started to wake up, but I just ignored it. Eventually the plane took off and about 30 minutes into it I woke up, I just couldn't get back to sleep. So I sat up, yawned and looked around. The first thing I noticed was Sonic on the wing... and my heart sank, he was holding Sulex, just like he held me, and Sulex had the biggest smile, and she wasn't afraid like I would be. So I just watched and looked away, I noticed out of the corner of my eye Sonic looked over, I looked up, we made eye contact, I turn around and looked out the other side. This happens every time someone meets my sister I guess it's time to take my own personal adventure since my better replacement is here.

Well, after an hour we got home, I hopped up, got my things, went to my room and laid in my cat bed. Later I heard footsteps and i crossed my fingers hopping they wouldn't go to my little room, and they did. I look over and my sis is standing there with a smile. I ignored it and she sat next to me and her classic, "Aww, what's wrong sis?" So I ignored it and she went on and on about how she missed me back home, and she said she found my box of drawings and painting. I sat up and asked what she wanted and she just hugged me. There was something about that hug that felt so... forgiving and comforting... So I just let it happen, and I didn't want the hug to end... but I was hungry so I was hopping it would take that long. She told me about the messages that I put into the doodles and art works, and she felt so guilty. So she said, she's going to try her best to make sure that nothing changes between me and my new friends, but it already did. Anyway, my sis kept saying "I'm sorry" for like... an hour, and I noticed she looked BEYOND sleepy and everyone else was resting and I forced her into my cat bed and forced her to nap. So she napped and everyone else did so I went outside, sat by one of the bushes and waited on the mailman... maybe scarring him will keep my mind off things. (Note from Tails: She loves scaring and pulling pranks on the mailman XD)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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