Guards of Gold

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"Will you start with me please?" asked Camila to Emily fiercely.

Emily nodded, and led Camila to the medical ward. Athena ignored her cousins, who had wanted more of an explanation of what was going on, and followed her mother and Aunt out of the room.

Demi rubbed her face in frustration, and opened her mouth to defend herself to her family, when she saw none of them willing to meet her eyes. When she tried to approach her wife, Ally stepped away from her, shaking her head as she brushed past her to follow Camila.

Normani shot Demi a glare and left the room, leaving only Dinah still standing next to her.

Dinah looked at Demi sadly, and said,"I understand why you did what you did. I even understand why Lauren planned what she planned. What we can't just brush away is that we lost our sister... our family, and we didn't even get a say in it. Ally, Normani and I will eventually forgive you, mainly because you did what you had to. But Camila may never. You need to prepare yourself for that."

Demi's eyes watered, and she nodded her head almost mechanically, watching as Dinah left the room. Sniffling, so that she didn't burst into tears she turned to Addison and Bea, and said,"Can you get everyone situated? I need a minute."

Bea nodded sympathetically, and watched as Demi left the room before she could burst into tears.


Emily strapped Camila to the chair in the labratory, and motioned for the three woman to step back as they watched anxiously.

"This is going to be painful Mila." Emily warned.

"This is the only thing that will bring me closer to Lauren, so I will deal with it." Camila said tightly.

Emily gave the elemental a sympathetic look, before transfering Lauren's blood into Camila slowly.

Camila stared at the ceiling, as tears leaked from her eyes. When the pain hit, she closed her eyes and pictured Lauren's face. Her beautiful wife who was probably being beaten or raped by that silver bitch. The pain she was feeling, was the only way she would get her love back, and for her she would endure anything.

She felt her skin feel like it was on fire, and screamed when she felt like the pain would never stop. Her skin sizzled with electricity, and her hand shot bursts of flames as the power inside her crested over, and leveled out. She sighed as the pain dimmed.

It took almost twenty minutes for Camila to fully transition, and when she watched as silver started to coat her skin, she blinked away the tears that were forming. She would be a walking reminder of her wife, and she could more than live with that.

Once Camila was done, Ally stepped forward and said, "Me next."

Emily blanched and said,"Are you sure?"

Ally's angry eyes met Camila's and then Emily's as she said,"The sooner we train with our powers, the sooner we get Lo back. So yes. Now would be great."

"We'll go after Ally." Normani said, getting a nod of agreement from Dinah as she entered the room.

"Yes we will." Dinah agreed, walking next to her wife.

The doors opened again, and they watched as their daughters and their teams entered the room.

"We'd like to too, if you don't mind Em." Gina said gaining a smile from her mother.

Emily sighed shakily, and said,"Okay. Looks like operation silver army starts now. Pick a partner, and I'll have you guys got two at a time."

Gina approached her mother, and clasped Ally's hands nervously. They approached the chairs once Camila had nervously gotten up with Athena's help.

"Do you always feel so powerful?" Camila asked her daughter curiously.

Athena gave her mom a small smile and said,"Sometimes, but I'm not fully mature yet. Plus I've always been this way. You'll get used to this with some practice. Once everyone is changed we'll start training."

"Good, because I've got a bitch to kill."


Ariana gripped Lauren's arm painfully tight, which made Lauren smile inward to herself. Normally feeling pain would send someone as indestructable like Lauren into a panic, but to Lauren, it meant that whatever Emily had created was working, and even if she wasn't rescued, she wouldn't stay a prisoner forever.

"You my love, are going to be tucked away in a cell until I have my uses for you." Ariana sang arrogantly, before giving Lauren a look as she licked her lips.

Lauren scrunched her nose in disgust, and ignored her.

"How do you know I wont just fly out of here?" asked Lauren Curiously.

Ariana laughed as if Lauren had just asked the stupidest of questions. "Well for one, I'd attack your little family the second you stepped out of this room, but most improtantly, you won't be alone in your little cell." Ariana said, shoving Lauren into a small room with chains on the wall.

"These Chains will let me know if you take them off, thus alerting me to your escape. I wouldn't be stupid if I were you. Your
maybe strong enough to break them, but if you do, I wont hesitate to drop a bomb on your little school. God knows what something like that would do to your very human wife. Your sister in-law can't heal her if she's dead now can she? I'd play it smart if I were you." Ariana chided, locking the chains around Lauren's wrists.

Lauren sighed tiredly, her body was starting to ache in a way it hadn't in too long.

"So whose my baby sitter then?" spat Lauren angrily.

Ariana chuckled, walking towards the cell door, motioning someone inside.

Lauren's eyes widened as she saw Gold skin step into the room.

"How?" she asked worried.

"Raquel here is a metal elemental. She's pure gold!" Giggled Ariana hysterically.

Lauren stared at the raven haired girl that looked no older than eighteen. She was dressed in a black uniform, while her skin was completely covered in gold. Her heart shaped face made her look innocent, while her eyes told a different tale. Her bright Gold eyes, were hollow, as if everything she had to live for was gone, and all she had was the day to day.

Lauren's heart panged for this girl, knowing she probably didn't have the child hood Athena did. Maybe it was the mother in her, or even the leader, but something inside her told her this girls was special. Why she was special, she didn't know yet. Only time would tell.

The Gold girl stepped farther into the room, and walked to the wall opposite Lauren, taking a seat on the floor across from her. She sat silently, staring at Lauren blankly.

Ariana clapped her hands with glee and exclaimed,"Well! I have some things that need my attention. Raquel, make sure to guard Lauren, feel free to rough her up if she tries to escape. And you my love, we will get very close and personal when I come back. Hope your ready, I've waited too long to have you, hope you have plenty of energy, because it's going to be a VERY long night for us. Until later!"

Ariana left the room, oblivious to Lauren's glare.

Lauren turned away from Raquel, the days events and her dim future finally weighing down on her. She closed her eyes, remembering Camila's heartbroken face as she surrendered herself. She had always prided her self for being strong, and the last image her wife would ever have of her is chained and weak in the hands of the enemy. Tears leaked her eyes as she realized she really would never see her family again, but a small smile formed when she reminded herself that they were for now safe. It would have to be enough.


A/N: so this is short, but its more of a filler to introduce a VERY important character into this story. A reader asked me if the could be in the story, and I just figured out a way to incorporate the character perfectly. At this stage, Raquel's only power is being gold with super strength. That may change... who knows. But anyway, that's all for today, I gotta go home. I'll try to write some later and transfer it sometime next week!

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