‌• Chapter One ‌•

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Their eyes made it appear as if my existence wasn't need and that high school wasn't meant for someone like me. I could hear them ghost whispering as I walked down the hallway. As much as I wanted to turn back, their gaze and whispering prolonged the it in my eyes.

"I can't believe someone would look at her."

"I didn't know she was like that."

"She's just an excellent actress. Look at it."

I was being treated like some species of a never seen animal that'd been discover and put on display.

"Is that her," someone uttered in disgust.

"Yes it is, that's Lacey The Brassy. Don't get close to her, or you might as well end up like her."

I hated my life and college. I wanted both to come to an instant end. Lacey the brassy. I hated that nickname and I wished for that creator's death. But I wasn't god, nor did I have a "death note." A notebook that kills anyone whose name was written in it. I longed for such power. Maybe then I'd have been able to put an end to it all. I wonder why I was chosen amongst all the people who attended this stupid college.

"Lacey! Lacey!" I heard someone roared, as if we were on a battle field. "You're gonna be late again!" I rolled to my back, as the sunlight burned its way through my red curtain and into my opening eyes. "HURRY UP, LACEY!" My mom, Alena, roared.

But I chose to ignore her booming voice. I had absolutely zero interest in lifting my five hundred pound body from the only thing the welcomed, comforted and expunged my streaming tears after a day at that horrific school.

Well, I am over exaggerating a bit. my weight wasn't no way near a Grizzly bear's, or an alligator's. Nor would it ever be. Me being bedridden was as cruel as owning slaves.  

"Come on Lacey, we go through this everyday!" She was now in my door way now. It was true, we did go through this everyday.

"I don't want to go to school", I mumbled pulling up my sheets up to my chin.

"Lacey Victoria Jackson if you don't get your tail out of that bed and get ready for school, then so help God". She exasperated, banging the door behind her.

I looked at my alarm clock, great. 7:15! I reluctantly dragged myself from the bed and went to the bathroom to get my water flowing. Crisp leaves sauntered around the concrete driveway. It was another hat, coat, jacket mitten, socks and long underwear wearing day in Chicago. Yet the sun-drenched Chicago in this bone-chilling weather. I loved long, warm baths in the morning, so I ensured the temperature was just right. I brushed my teeth and sighed at the reflection of the girl staring back at me. I looked horrible with my puffy, red eyes and unevenly disheveled hair with thin small strands poking out here and there.

I was done with my shower, and had my white towel wrapped around me. "Yew", I mumbled as I opened my wardrobe to search for an outfit. I decided to wear something simple, although I had a thing for fashion my body supposedly didn't really fit in that category. I was not the bronzed, flat tummy, skinny body and long legs type of girl. I was the total opposite, fat legs and a fat tummy.

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