Chapter Nine

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Next morning I woke up with puffy eyes and sore red eyes. I looked horrible from all that crying from lastnight. 

I made my way to the shower and did my usual routine. I decided to wear something simple ; black skinny jeans with a simple long sleeve T-shirt with a heartshaped on it. I put my hair up in a ponytail and made my way downstairs. 

I sighed as I was engulfed with the loneliness of the kitchen. I felt the tears pricking at my eyes but I heaved a breath and walked out the door. Home was not home without 'Mom".

* * * * * 

I was walking my way to the locker when I heard people whispering things about me, pointing at me and some even laughing at me. In passing I heard some things like, "I heard her mom has aids. Such a slut". "I think her mom has lung cancer, bitch smokes too much". "I heard her mom's pregnant and wants to get an abortion".

I couldn't believe those rumors, all of this was so riduculous I just couldn't hear none of it in my ears anymore. 

I shoved my books in my locker when I was disturbed by a hard slap on the back. I flinched back and saw Diamond, Diana, and Diane. I muffled under my breath and stood against the cold, metal locker.

"Hey fattie. Heard your mom got aids, and is now in the hospital ,poor lady. Maybe she should stop sleeping around with guys you know? Oh wait, I think you did take your sluttish attitude from her". She giggled along with the two others. Wait, me? Sluttish? You got to be kidding me.

"She did not have-!"I snapped, then suddenly felt myself on the cold hard ground. I winced as I hit my head hard against the locker, and felt a stinging sensation burning from my eye. They walked over, laughing and giggling, so did everyone else.

No one didn't give a shit about me and what I was feeling.

I picked myself up from the hallway floor, looked over at Diamond's turnt back and gasped. Feeling totally humilated and heartbroken, I ran to the tiolets. Within those few short steps, my embarasement and humiliation turned into anger and determination.

I was now in the girls' toilet, my chest heaving and my almost inhuman sobs coming from deep within my soul, the tears lasted but seconds. The resolve to not allow more pain in my short life halted my tears. My heart and my head was calaedoscoping with painful memories of how much they've made my life a living hell since as far back as I could remember. 

But, I reminded myself, that I had survived far worse than Diamond, Diana and Diane had ever been through, so I will be strong and make my mom proud, that's what she would have wanted me to do.

I then tore off a piece of toilet paper, blew my nose and wiped my eyes. Exiting the cubicle, I made my way to the basins where I ran cold water, first over my my fingers then splashed it into my face whilst staring at myself in the mirror for what seemed like the longest while.

Eyes no longer reddened with my tears, but still slightly swollen, I made my way up the class that I was now late for ; Chemistry with Mr.Fitz.

Upon entering the room, he looked at me and before he was able to say anything, I walked up to the front of the room with my head and my back held straight and proud. Mr.Fitz tried to reprimand me but I put up my hand, as if to say 'stop', then looked around the full room of students before settling my eyes on Diamond. 

"None of you here have been through what I've been through, you don't even know anything about me. I'm not the prettiest, or most slimmest girl ever with the perfect vogue look but-" I paused, tears welling in my ears once again. 

I tried to make eye contact with the class, but had to lower my head and try to regain control of my emotions. Again I raised my head, cleared and throat and continued, "You can pick on me, humilate me, bully, feel superior.........whatever makes you feel good about yourself, but remember none of us are perfect and there are no guarantees in life that anyone will be. Have sympathy for those who don't have the perfect life like some of you do". I kept my eyes moving back and forth between Diamond, Diana and Diane. 

Still staring directly at Diamond, I asked, "Can you say the same, or do you take your fustrations out on others , like me, because you don't get enough attention at home?"

With that, I looked at Mr.Fitz who wore a small smile on his face, apologized for interrupting his class then calmly walked to my desk, sat down and opened my notebooks. The class was in utter silence.

Bullied (UNDERGOING EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora