Chapter 10

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"Flore?! Where are you?!" Harry yelled. "In my bunk!" I replied, flinging the curtain open. "Oh... Can I come in?" Harry asked. I nodded, and helped him down into the bunk. "What's up?" I asked, turning of the movie I was watching off. "We're uh... On our way to London, and uh I wanted to know if you wanted to I don't know... Go on a date?" He asked. "Our first actual date?" I smiled. Harry nodded. "Yes!" I smiled again, giving him a kiss. "We'll be in London in an hour, and we can stop at the hotel first if you want..." Harry said. "Ok. What should I wear?" I asked, reaching for my phone. "Fancy." He laughed. "Ooh! I got it!" I smiled. I texted Lou and told her, that she would have to help me get ready. Other than that, the world felt inexistent. It was just Harry and I. The other boys were asleep, and the bus was dark. "I love you..." I whispered. "I love you too." Harry smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Ok. I'm gonna go get ready." I laughed as I was being pulled by Lou. "I guess me too." Harry laughed too, being pulled to his room by Louis.

I slipped on the dress that my sisters made me buy. It was a mint dress, but had lavender floral designs. It was like a canvas material too, and I loved it. "Dressed yet, love?" Lou asked, knocking on the door. I opened the door for her. "You look stunning!" She smiled, sitting me down in a chair that she had brought into the bathroom. "Here." She took of the little makeup I already had on, and started to apply more. My mind was racing about if Harry would still like me or if I would embarrass myself, so I wasn't paying much attention. There was a blur of pencils, and brushes being rubbed on my face, until Lou stepped away. "Done." She smiled. I looked into the mirror, and my mouth dropped. I had a bold cat eye, and light pink lipstick. My cheeks were rosy, with pink blush. My eyelashes were long, and there wasn't a single flaw. "I love it, Lou!" I smiled, giving her a hug. "He'll love it more." She winked.

Lou brushed and straightened my blonde mess of hair, and put about a gallon of hairspray in it so it wouldn't frizz. "I'm so lucky to have you as a best friend!" I laughed, looking in the mirror at myself. "Anytime." She smiled, leading my out of the bathroom.

"Ok. You've got your purse and everything, right?" Lou asked, about to send me outside. I nodded. "Extra lipstick?" She asked again. I search through my pastel pink bag and pulled out the lipstick. "Good luck. Not that you need it!" She smiled, opening the door. I nearly tripped in my lavender heels, but Lou caught me. "I'll try no to do that anymore." I laughed.

"Harry!" I smiled, giving him a kiss. "You look...amazing." Harry smiled back. "I'm not the only one." I laughed, taking his hand. He had on a suit, and I'm guessing one of Louis ties, because it had a tiny little L on the bottom. We walked out of the hotel, and were immediately mobbed by the paps. It didn't bother me though... Nothing really bothers me... We got into the van, and drive off quick. "Where are we going?" I smiled, still holding Harry's hand. "It's a surprise." He smiled back, kissing my cheek. I nodded, and we spent the rest of the way there rambling on about things without meaning, again.

"Close your eyes." Harry said. I closed my eyes, and he started to lead me. "Open." He whispered, after we stopped walking. I did and immediately, my breath was taken away. "Harry..." I whispered. There was a wooden table for two, and lights hanging around the few trees of the clearing we were in. There was a record player playing "More Than A Feeling" by Boston. "It's perfect." I smiled.

Harry pulled out one of the chairs, and I sat down. "You're the best." I smiled, as he sat down. "Wait till' you see what we're eating." He winked. "Here you are." Louis smiled, setting a large plate I between Harry and I. Harry took the top thingy off. "Spaghetti! You really are the best!" I smiled, spinning some onto my fork. I couldn't have asked for more... Really. "Did you make this?" I asked, while spinning more onto my fork. "Yeah..." He blushed. "It's delicious." I smiled.

After dinner, Harry led me to a lake, with a small boat. "I love you. So much." I smiled. "I love you too." He smiled, helping me into the small, wooden boat. He rowed us out to the middle. "Lets spend the night here." I smiled, laying down, and looking up a the stars. "Really?" Harry asked, laying down beside me. "Yeah. Why not? Its so peaceful, and beautiful out here." I said, my eyes already feeling heavy. "Like you... Beautiful." Harry whispered, laying down and putting his arm around me. "Goodnight." I smiled, burring myself into Harry's chest. "Goodnight, love." He whispered.

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