Chapter 24

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"I'm already tired." I giggled, as we walked out of the park. "Me too!" Lennon fake cried. We all got in the van (with our Mickey Mouse ears still on). The ride was silent, seeing how tired we all were.

"Ready boys?" I yawned. They nodded, and I have Harry his good luck kiss before they went on stage.

"Ashton. I'm going to sleep on this couch." I yawned again. "Fine by me, but I'm not getting up." He laughed. "Whatever makes you happy, Dearie." I laughed, laying down. It took me no time to fall asleep.

"Flore! Get up. I want you to see your suprise!" Harry smiled, shaking me awake. "How big is it?!" I laughed, stretching. "It's uh... Huge..." He smirked. "Ummm... not what I meant.... and ok, lets go." I laughed, as Harry helped me up.

"You got us a limo?!" I asked, as we stepped outside. He nodded. "See. You're perfect. Just per-fect. You green eyed, dimpled, weirdo." I smiled as we got in. He smiled for the longest time after that.

"We're here!" Harry smiled, helping me out into a parking garage. "What." I asked, confused. "We're at Disney World!" Harry smiled again, thinking that would clear things up. "Why?" I giggled. "Because we're spending the night in-" "Harry! You angel!" I smiled, interrupting him, before pulling him into a hug, and kissing him over and over again. "Well... Are we going to stay in here, or go to the castle?" Harry laughed. "Castle! Let go!" I smiled, kissing his cheek one last time, before taking his hand.

"Thank you for making me feel like a princess, Harry." I whispered, after taking a look around the giant suite. "You have always been one." He smiled, kissing my forehead. "This place is so-" I was cut off by a giant pop. "Was that fireworks?" Harry laughed. We ran out to the balcony to see amazing fireworks. "I love you." Harry whispered, putting his arm around me. "I love you too." I laughed, as a band started to play. It was one of those quartets. "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore." We sang along, while we danced on the balcony. "This is the best night of my life." I whispered, resting my head on Harry's chest. "Everyday I'm with you is the best day of my life." He smiled.

The fireworks and music lasted for about an hour, and we stayed on the balcony the whole time. "I swear, Styles. You're going to spoil me." I laughed, as we went inside. "What's wrong with that?" He smiled, coming and sitting down beside me on the couch. "Nothing." I winked, kissing his cheek. He laughed and picked me up. "Where are we going?" I giggled. "To bed! I've got stuff planned tomorrow." He smirked. "Styles!" I smiled. "Adams!" He mocked. "I love you, idiot." "I love you, beautiful."

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