Chapter 16

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"Where are we going?" I asked after we got in a cab. Harry pointed to one of the tallest buildings in sight-the Empire State Building. "I thought it was supposed to be closed?" I said, looking at my watch to see the time. 1:30 A.M. "Not for us!" Harry winked.

We got out of the cab, and for a minute, I stood in silence, staring up at the large building. Harry dragged me into the lobby and talked to the lady at the front desk. "I've got reservations." He stated to the woman. I giggled to myself at that.

It took three elevators to get up here... But it was worth it. "Harry..." I whispered, squeezing his hand. "May I have this dance?" Harry asked, turning to me. I felt my cheeks get hot, and I nodded, taking his hand. He held me close to him, as his worn out boots clicked the ground. I think it was impossible not to smile, as we danced on top of The Empire State Building, over the town, over everybody, over our friends, problems and worries. We were the only two people on the Earth right now, and it was comfortable.

"Isn't the sky beautiful?" I smiled, looking up at the many stars above my head. Harry was still holding me to him. "I've seen more beautiful things..." He smiled. "Like what?" I whispered, wrapping my arms around his waist. "You." He winked. I giggled, and Harry smiled at me. "I really love you." I smiled, as we laid down on the observation deck. "I really love you too."

"Guys? What's wrong?" I asked, as Harry and I came in. "We've got a management meeting tomorrow... And they want you there..." Liam explained. We all knew what this meeting was going to be about... At least Niall and Lennon are seeming to get on well.

"Harry... I-" "It's gonna be fine, Flore." Harry interrupted. "But manage-" "I promise." Harry smiled, kissing my forehead. "Now get some sleep. It's almost 3." He whispered, holding me to him.

*Next Day*

I put on the dress that I wore for my first date with Harry. Lou curled my mess of hair, and did my makeup, so that I look presentable, and we left. "Harry... I'm nervous... What is they say we can't be together or something?" I asked, squeezing his hand. "I won't let that happen." He replied, furrowing his eyebrows together. I moved closer to him, and rested my head on his shoulder. The boys seemed tense too.

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