Chapter 11

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The sun peeked through the trees around the lake, and I woke up with a sigh. "Morning, handsome." I smiled, kissing Harry's cheek. "Good morning." He smiled back. "Thanks for last night." I whispered. "Thanks for being my girlfriend." He winked.

We laid in the boat until it eventually floated to shore. "Do we have to go back?" I asked, getting out of the boat. "I don't guess..." Harry smiled. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned, and he had Louis' tie around his head. "You're so cute..." I smiled, as Harry intertwined our fingers.

We walked in a comfortable silence around the lake and into the meadow, until it started to rain. "Harry... Do me a favor? " I asked, as the rain fell. "Yes?" He replied, looking up at the sky. "Kiss me." I whispered. Without a word, he stopped, and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear, before connecting our lips. I ran my fingers through his now wet hair, and it couldn't have been more perfect. "I love you." He whispered, pulling away. "I love you." I smiled.

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