what each title means

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Everything here is a big example k?

'dante' would be the person Cassia is talking to, and this means the chapter is a texting conversation. which also means purely dialogue

^this would be the email address of whoever Cassia is emailing. Which means the chapter is an email.

^self explanatory imo. I mean the protag is cassia, why would she email herself right? This means the chapter is an email somebody sent to her. But like obviously I'll format the chapter so it's obvious who it's from and bla bla haha ohmai

1 / witty chapter title
the number: chapter one blabla u get the drift
the words: the chapter title basically HAHA

If u don't get it, it's alright, bc I'll make the chapter itself crystal clear so you'll defo know what's going on. Don't worry :>

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