Chapter 4: The Teen Years

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Your trump may be acting a little moody, but it is natural. This is a process I call PuberTrump

You may think you know what I'm talking about but you are wrong. Instead of Acne you have Skin tags, instead of a deeper voice you have hair loss and to make it worse your trumps hair will turn white. He will defiantly be different from all his friends. To avoid a moody, balding, skin tag covered trump you must apply 173037463 gallons of bleach to your trumps face every day after your trump turns 13. If you trump resists just  toss a dollar over his head and pin him down. If  the  bleach doesn't work try throwing hundred dollar bills into a blender, shredding them up and mix it with tartar sauce. Then pour into a medium sauce pan and stir vigorously. Once you can no longer see the bits of money add 2/3 a cup of sugar and the finger of a monkey donkey hybrid. Once this is completed throw it into a water gun and shoot it at your Neighbor until he melts.

A taking care of a trump. Birth- Young Adulthood.Where stories live. Discover now