Chaper 2: The Mystery Girl

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Alvin's POV


"You don't even like me!" She yelled.

"I do. Sara, I love you." I said.

"Well I'm tired of watching you with other girls".

"I'll do anything." I pleaded.

"Alvin. I'm done." She took one step back as I took one forward. I moved forward again and she moved back. Only then did I stop trying as I saw the tears stream down her face. Thats when I realised that I could only bring her pain and hurt. I watched as she walked right out of my life. The only thing that reminded me that it was real was the music pumping through the speakers.


I woke up with a jolt before the hangover took effect. Not that I drank much yesterday so this just adds to the pain of the break up. Well it wasn't really a break up, she more or less just left me. I took off my shirt and headed toward the bathroom. When I got there I saw two girls. One which I recognised as Amanda Wattson and the other which I couldn't quite put my finger on. Cleary I couldn't have a shower with to passed out girls in my tub so I just went to make some breakfast.

Well that was the plan when I saw Amanda run through the kitchen and out the door half naked.

I should have tapped that

I shivered at the disgusting thought. I began to make myself a sandwich when the other girl from the tub walked in in her underwear. I don't think she realised she was. Her jaw dropped open at the sight of me when I noticed I didn't have a shirt on.

I looked at her in a way to say "Well I'm not the one half naked"

She looked down before grabbing a cloth to cover herself her cheeks deepening with embaresment.

"Hungry?" I asked.

She nodded. I started to wonder if this chick actually spoke. She walked up to the counter and grabbed a slice of bread and some jam. Small talk seemed like the only solution to this.

"I'm Alvin. What's your name?" I asked

"Not to sound creepy or anything but I know who you are Alvin." She replied without looking at my face.

I gave her my best "I think that's creepy" face.

And she replied with an "at least I tried to warn you" face .

I was getting nowhere with this girl.When she was done eating she sat quite uncomfortably on the stool. I started to feel uncomfortably to. Then I decided that I may never see this chick again so might as well go all out.

"Thanks for the sandwich. It was quite nice." She said before I had the chance to say anything.

"This chick is so creepy." I thought.

"Thank you, thank you very much" I said in my best Elvis Presley imitation.

She giggled. And for some reason it made me smile.

"Rebecca." She said looking into my eyes for the first time in 10 minutes.

Damn could she get any creepier. If I play this right I'll get her to date me and get my ex jealous.

"Thats a nice name."


"Would you like to go out for some coffee ?" I asked.

She shook her head quite quickly.

That didn't go well. Might as well take her home.

I grabbed a shirt while she looked around before putting on what I assume she wore last night. We got into the elevator as I lead her out to my car. I was about to get in when I realised that I didn't know where she lived.

" Where do you live?" I asked

" In the Elizabeth Apartments. Room 15." She said.

All through the drive I couldn't help but think how familiar it sounded.


We arrived safely at Elizabeth Apartments lobby when she yelled "Shit".

" What's wrong?" I asked. Not that I really cared but I felt I should.

"I left my car outside your building." She said with panic in her voice.

I sighed out loud.

"Just go get it." I replied before rolling my eyes. She shook her head again.

"I have class in 9 minutes."

"Then why not skip class."

"I can't." She said like I'd just asked her if the sky was blue.

I rolled my eyes again. This was getting frustrating. I ran my hands through my head.

"Fine." I said exasperatedly. " Take mine but bring it back at ...."

She grabbed the keys out of my hand and ran back to the car while I stood there looking like a fool. I decided to look around. The walls were white and there was a red sofa and two lounge chairs opposite a tv. There was a marble counter on the opposite side of the door with a bowl full of coins with a sign that said " Red Cross".

I began to walk out side when I saw a familiar face.

" You." She yelled.

I turned on my heel an began to walk in the opposite direction. She caught up to me.

" What were you doing in my apartment building?!" She half asked ,half yelled.

"Dropping off a poor lost soul" I answered putting my hands in the air.

" A poor soul whose heart you probably just ripped out!" She exclaimed.

She was almost more exasperating than the mystery girl.

" Stay away from her" She said.

"Why?" I asked." If I want to hook up with people it's none of your business".

She began yelling in french and lemme just tell you, if looks could kill I'd be a dead man.

The Bad Boy's Secret: Rebecca and AlvinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora