Chapter 7: It's only just the beginning

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-Rebecca's POV


I kissed Alvin.

I kissed Alvin Reed.

Heck I was still kissing him!

"Well I'll leave you two to do umm... that." Miles said awkwardly before leaving us and closing the door.

"I'm so sorry about that..." I said. Alvin looked at me amusement and an expression i'd never seen before. His face was red and he'd turned off the water while staring at me with awe.

"I'm really sorry it's just that Miles is my ex and I though it'd be weird..."

And then he kissed me but unlike the one I'd given him earlier this one had passion. As soon as our lips meet a heat spreads through me and I can't bring myself to stop him. Suddenly I don't mind the fact that I barely know him, or the idea that Miles could be listening us. I just want him and I want to be in this moment.

"Damn Rebecca."  He said moaning into my mouth. I pull away gasping for air but he leans in again pressing his lips unto mine before he smiles.

"Wha-what?" I say shyly suddenly feeling very exposed in his presence.

"Butter my biscuits and make me some tea, I can't believe you just kissed me!" I felt like he was going to say more but I'd already punched him in the stomach and turned on the shower head. "Just go grab some dry clothes from my closet." He said laughing.



After Alvin walked me back to my apartment, I tiptoed into my apartment all chill-like in hopes to not wake Stella up but when I got into the she was sitting on a chair with a lamp on.

A scene straight out of the incredibles if I do say so myself.

"Where were you?" I stop startled. It isn't often that she probes into my social life but since it is pretty late in the night she might have been worried.

"Went to the art gallery."

"It ended hours ago. Where. Were. You."

Honestly it sound more like she's commanding me. Oddly enough I don't want to tell her about Alvin before she comes to the conclusion that I've started sleeping around.

"Stayed at a friends house for a while cause it rained a bit and I got wet." She stared at me for a minute, expressionless.

"You have no friends." I blink. And then again. By this point I'm glaring at her and she looks very apologetic but I'm not in the mood for one of her drunk sessions. I grab the glass of water on the counter and pour it on her.

"Fucking sober up." I walk into my room and lie down on my bed before I feel the tears stinging the back of my eyes. I grab Mean Girls off my shelf and throw it into the DVD player. Not. As emotionally unstable I might be around Miles I'm actually not that easy to push around. I came here to study, not about to get involved in some stupid girl drama. I grab my sketch book of the side table and begin to draw. Since we're doing human anatomy this week it only makes sense to draw humans. I begin to sketch a face before realising how familiar it is. Considering it's only been around a week it's a bit odd that I'm already missing my best friend. I grab my phone and send her a quick text before turning it off and going to bed.

7:30 am

I get up before realising that I'm still in Alvin's clothes.

Ugh. I have to return them later.

I throw on a hoodie over his shirt and don't bother changing the joggers. Walking to the bathroom I get a look at myself, my hair a mess and my face pale. I brush my teeth and reach for my hair brush. After 10 minutes of no progress I sigh in defeat and throw it in a messy bun. My waist length mess of curls is becoming a problem. College is too stressful so I'm going to have to go the hairdressers after class. I walk into the kitchen in search of some breakfast before noticing the mini buffet of associated fruits, pancakes and bacon the marble counter with a note that read "I'm sorry". Clearly this was the work of Stella. I eat the food with no intent of further pursuing what she said yesterday then leave the house.

When I get to art class, my teacher announces that we are going to have a model for our sculptures and sketches. This is obviously filled by a lot of...

"Show me some tits!"

"He better have abs."

"Lemme see some booty!"

That last comment came from the direction of my best friend, Amber. I couldn't help but laugh at this, especially since she's todays model. Amber has beautiful red hair that flows passed her shoulders, dazzling green eye and a slender figure thats to die for. She sashays to the podium  in an ancient greek dress and gets on the couch, draping herself on it.

"Sketch me bitches"

The Bad Boy's Secret: Rebecca and AlvinWhere stories live. Discover now