Desperate Risk - Mission One

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The camera opens on Kiera knocking on the Major’s door again. When he opens the door and sees her standing there, he frowns, as if not sure why she’s there.

[Kiera]: “Morning Major. I’m just here to get my bag. Then Hawk and I are checking out the epicenter.” She moves quickly about the room as if awkward with the Major watching her. Things are grabbed in haste and she rushes back out of the room without another word. The camera follows as Kiera nearly runs down the hall and back to Hawk’s room. “He’s awake. Can we get out of here now please?”

[Hawk]: chuckles and smiles “By all means, let’s get going.” He gestures and follows Kiera back out into the hallway.

Kiera rushes down the stairs and nearly runs out the front door. Hawk follows closely behind, drawing her attention to the pair of four wheelers waiting.

[Kiera]: “I don’t know how to drive one of those. JD never got around to teaching me.”

[Hawk]: shrugs “You can piggy-back behind me.”

[Kiera]: frowns “How is it a construct knows modern slang and how to operate vehicles?”

[Hawk]: “Everyone that comes within range we skim a little off their mind. Sometimes we hunt for specific facts.”

[Kiera]: “So you just lifted the how to’s out of people’s minds?”

[Hawk]: tilts head to the side, as if contemplating the question “The donor never knows we’ve touched their mind. Your Major never knew. You never knew.”  Starts the 4-wheeler and Kiera climbs on behind him. “You’re going to have to hang on. And when I turn a corner, lean to the inside of the turn.”

The camera sees the pair dart off onto a small dirt trail. Instead of following behind, it sinks through the layers of the building and re-enters the Major’s hotel room. He is methodically packing his bag, pausing only when he finds Kiera’s journal while making the bed. It had been hidden under the blankets. He picks it up and walks briskly over to the garbage, about to throw it out when he pauses and opens it. The camera zooms onto the page, where Kiera had written something down last.

[Crowe-as-narrator]: Not sure I trust this Hawk character. The Major didn’t recognize his name at first but I’m supposed to believe that they met at a party? Probably just some secret military bullshit and there is no Katrina. But still… I don’t like him. What kind of soldier doesn’t even know what morning PT is? But I’m stuck with him now that the Major is doing the cut-and-run. Not that I blame him. And it’s not like I’m going to be stuck with Hawk for long. I just need to drop him before I head into the epicenter. I just hope it stops the pain.

The camera zooms out as the Major calmly walks away from the trash and puts the journal into his bag. It follows along behind him as he heads out of the building, pausing to see only the SUV Kiera and the Major drove in waiting in the parking lot.

[Crowe]: “How did he get here?” camera picks up the softly spoken question. The Major shakes his head, as if trying to cast aside his concern. He walks to the SUV and throws his bag in. “Just get out of here Crowe, it’s messing with your head.” Climbs into driver’s seat and starts the SUV. The vehicle wheels forward then jerks to a stop. The Major launches himself out of the SUV and to the second 4-wheeler, expertly getting it started. He chases off down the same dirt trail that Kiera and Hawk had departed on nearly ten minutes ago.

The camera switches scenes, from the Major coming in pursuit to Kiera and Hawk. The camera skips passed them as well to charge ahead, revealing the epicenter of the Elsewhere pocket. It is disguised as a dark cave, outwardly innocent looking. There is no physical indicator that the cave is anything but natural. Until a raccoon makes the mistake of approaching too closely, then dark, grasping tendrils shoot out, wrapping around the varmint and quickly jerks it inside the cave, the camera hears sounds of the raccoon screaming and trying to flee, then silence and a wet crunching sound. Camera jumps back to see Kiera and Hawk dismounting their 4-wheeler.

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