Authority Issues - Mission One

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Camera opens on Kiera and the Major sitting in what appears to be an interrogation room. They are sitting in hard plastic chairs on the same side of a table, an empty chair across from them and a large, one way window masquerading as a mirror.

[Crowe]: “You seem awfully calm for someone in this position.”

[Kiera]: sarcastic smirk “Please, you military boys got nothing on the first degree my mother can give.”

[Crowe]: “Maybe we should send some interrogators to study under her, learn the secrets of her talent.”

[Kiera]: laughing softly “Nah, she’d break them.” Smile vanishes  “Still not talking about it?”

[Crowe]: sighs “Not here, not now sir. Command is bringing us my replacement and now I have to tell them that I’ve changed my mind and want to stay.”

[Kiera]: nods slowly, falling silent

Both remain quiet and the camera can hear the ticking of an old analog clock. Kiera starts to tap her fingers on the table in an absent counter rhythm to the clock’s noise, her antics eventually driving the Major to reach over and press his hand over hers to stop the incessant tapping. The Major audibly draws in a breath, calming himself and removes his hand from over Kiera’s. Kiera looks at the Major, a faintly amused smile twitching around her mouth and she starts to tap again, making the Major growl out a breath of warning. Kiera smirks and stops tapping, but her knee starts to bounce up and down instead as she taps her foot quietly.

[Crowe]: lets out an exasperated breath “Would you stop that sir.”

[Kiera]: “It’s not making any noise.” Tone argumentative

[Crowe]: “No but I can see it and its aggravating. Please stop it.” Said through clenched teeth

[Kiera]: body stills, hands clasped together between her knees and biting her bottom lip, looks like she’s holding back a sarcastic comment

Camera sees the door of the interrogation room open and a trio of military men walk into the room. The Major scrambles to his feet and salutes, but Kiera stays seated, eyebrows raised and unimpressed looking. A man with General Bars sits down and the two other officers stay standing behind him.

[General Wilson]: “Major Crowe, you wished to report in person. I’m a busy man, drop the ceremony and let’s get this over with.”

[Crowe]: ends the salute and sits “Thank you General Wilson.” Opens his mouth to continue on with the debrief but Kiera leans forward and interrupts everyone

[Kiera]: “Can someone explain to me who these two are?” points at the still silent officers bracketing General Wilson

[General Wilson]: “Miss Beckett, this is not the time and place for formal intro-“

[Kiera]: interrupts again, making the Major squeeze her leg in warning under the table “Listen, just tell me who they are and when we’re done filling you in, you’ll understand my caution.”

[General Wilson]: looks at Major Crowe, scowling “Control your consultant Major.”

[Crowe]: “Sir….” Kiera looks at him, but the Major is looking straight at General Wilson “She’s rude and has no respect for authority, but in this, she’s quite right. Standing to the left of General Wilson is his aide-de-camp Major Barch and Captain Nguyen.”

[Kiera]: frowns but nods a little “Please don’t tell me you met them through Katrina.” Every soldier in the room looks startled when she says the name, Kiera catches this and frowns

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