Divide and Conquer - Mission One

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Camera is dark at first, listening to general background noise, people murmuring conversation and the clink of dinnerware.

[JD]: "If I'd known you were this tired, I wouldn't have dragged you out."

[Kiera]: head jerks up, camera seeing from her POV "J-JD?" tone is startled and suspicious.

[JD]: frowns, looking concerned "You ok Kiki? You look like you've seen a ghost."

[Kiera]: "It's not going to work twice Barry." tone cold

[JD]: looks confused "What's not gonig to work? And who's Barry?" reaches out to take Kiera's hand "Kiki, you're scaring me, are you alright?"

[Kiera]: staring down at their clasped hands. He's holding her left hand, which is now scar free, and her engagement ring is clearly in place "This isn't real." tone sounding uncertain "You died, I was shot. The world went to hell in a hand basket...."

[JD]: smiles softly and brushes a hair from Kiera's face "You're never boring, are you Kiera?" kisses the back of her now scar free hand "God I love you." smiles a brilliant grin

[Kiera]: "I ah.... I need to use the washroom. I'll be right back." slides from his grip and walks quickly to the bathroom.

Kiera approaches the mirror, staring at her reflection in shock. Her hair isn't the badly dyed auburn but instead it's natural white blond with that royal purple streak in it. She pulls a lock of her hair loose and examines it, face clearly perplexed.

[Kiera]: "How? It couldn't have all been a dream." tone soft, confused. Camera pulls out of Kiera's POV and watches as she pulls her sleeve up, looking for any trace of the burn scars that should be there. There are none. Kiera pulls her shirt up, running fingertips over the unmarked flesh, no scab on her rib cage from a bullet graze, and there was no scar on her hip from where she was shot when JD was murdered. "JD's alive?" Kiera asks her reflection. She turns quickly and walks back outside to see JD sitting at the table, smiling as soon as he saw her coming back. Kiera doesn't sit down though, walking over to run gentle fingertips over JD's face, not caring that her actions were drawing whispers and attention from the other diners.

[JD]: grabs Kiera's hands and kisses the grasped fingertips "Kiki, you sure you're alright?"

[Kiera]: nods although there are tears in her eyes

[JD]: pulls Kiera onto his lap and hugs her, seeming to be as oblivious to the watching restaurant as Kiera is. Kiera buries her head against his shoulder and softly cries, the camera picking up the sounds of her muffled sobs. He rubs her back soothingly, softly murmuring comforting words and waving away a concerned looking waitress. "Let's get out of here. Something is obviously bothering you."

JD leads Kiera from the restaurant, throwing money down onto the table. Outside in the parking lot, Kiera stops when she sees an SUV in the parking lot, but JD drags her passed it to his familiar blue VW.

[Kiera]: "JD, I don't want to go home. Let's go out." tone pleading

[JD]: frowns but hugs her to his chest "Kiki, you were just bawling your eyes out. I know you tend to be all hard ass on me, but what's wrong? Tell me, please?"

[Kiera]: closes eyes and leans into JD's embrace "I had this really bad dream that you were dead. It seemed so real..." tone trails off as she frowns, eyes opening. It's clear that she desperately wants to believe that her experiences with the Major were just a nightmare, but she's not 100% convinced yet.

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