Chapter 16

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Kyara's POV

The week went by really fast. Maybe because i was looking forward to the surprise Andy was texting about a week ago. I was begging the guys to tell it but they wouldn't say it. I really wanted to slap them thru the computer but yeah that isn't really possible. The only weird thing was that Trevor and Luke couldn't Skype or Facetime. Normally we always Skype or something. I got out of my bed because i laid on my bed awake for almost a hour. I walked to my closet and opened it. I took a towel, some underwear, dark grey skinny jeans and a Falling In Reverse t-shirt. I walked to my bathroom and turned the shower on. Shortly after i turned it on i stepped in it. I quickly washed myself and turned the shower off. I stepped out of the shower dried my body off and getting fully clothed. I did my make-up and straightened my hair. Gosh i am getting roots i need to dye my hair soon. I walked downstairs to the kitchen that was empty as always. I grabbed some bread and made myself a sandwich. Then my phone started ringing. It was Andy. "Hi Andy."

"Hi Kaya."

"Why are you calling on this weird time? It's like two o'clock where you are."

"I just wanted to check how you are."

"Yeah right. You just want to know if the house isn't ruined yet."


"Your unbelievable sometimes."

"I know."

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"

"Yeah but couldn't sleep."

"Oh ok." I sat down on the couch with my sandwich.

"Are you eating something?"

"Yeah a sandwich."


"What is that for a reply? Nice?" I chuckled.

"But i also called you because well maybe i know that your surprise is in front of the house right now."

"Right now?!" 

"Yeah. Call me later ok? Now go to the front door."

"Ok, i'll call you later!" I broke the line and jumped up from the couch and ran to the front door; almost tripping over something. When i was at the front door i unlocked it and i couldn't believe what i was seeing.

What do you guys think the surprise is?

I already know it huehueheuhuehuehue. I am being mean and i like it. It's short tho. I know.

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