first things first

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Okay, I need to set some kind of rules (?) I guess.

First off, I will take any Headcanons. Period.

Unless I don't like them or they don't seem to fit that specific character, its getting put in the book.

Secondly, I can't just have all Headcanons for one character on one page; that'll make for a short book and I like Headcanons about these Babies. So keep em coming.

Thirdly, I will most definitely take NSFW Headcanons, if you do not know what that is it is sexual stuff and adfkfdl, but I will put a warning just so you can beware.

Lastly, I will take Headcanons for any character, I do not care. (Again, except for basic bitch because I just skfkd, I'll only take those if they include his death <3)

How I want to do this so its not a mess is message me, or message me on my board so I can tell what you said instead of a jumbled mess of comments; technically same rules as my One Piece book.

And if you give me a Headcanon I will add your username to the top so people know where I got it from, same thing with tumblr it'll be:

Ex: @so-and-so !
Ex: tumblr !

Alrighty that's it for now, so excuse me as I whore on tumblr.

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