Chapter 6- First Friend

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Minx's POv

I was thinking about Aaron's invitation about entertaining in the joustum. Not only that, I never seen him open up to me and we made a conversation. I guess he's the strangest knight i ever met and the coolest. I was sitting on the chair and Eden was there in the mirror coz i need someone to talk to.

"C'mon minx you got to accept his invitation. Beside, that aaron guy is kinda cool and cute, wouldn't you agree?" Eden said.

"What ewww....hello i don't know if i can attend the joustum. I mean yeah i did it once but what if my powers go wild again." I said.

"But before it didn't right, so you can do it again."

"I can't coz what if they found out who i am. And i don't trust that green knight, if he kept his word for not telling."

"Why not? A knight always keep their word, even in the situation. He's nice to you and he kinda listens to you the way doom does. You said you wanted to see outside, right? well nows your chance beside I don't want you to be alone."

I stared at Doom who was sleeping then at Eden. Come to think of it, I began to have second thoughts. I wanted to see many kingdom and their....machines. Hey, i never seen technologies in my entire life so i've been in the castle for too long. But i don't know whether to go or not. Eden reminded, "I say you go for it. beside you don't want the green knight to pester you to come." I thought it over and over then finally i gave up, I finally have my answer.

Macy's POV

 We were in the kingdom of knighton, preparing for the upcoming annual party. They're very important people there celebrating. It was a progress and i wondered if we ever see that jester girl. We searched far and wide for her but couldn't find her. I head back to the knights who were outside. Clay said, "Hey, Macy. How's the preparation for annual party."  "Yeah its kind fine and it's looking progress. So did guys figure it out where she is?" I asked.

"not exactly, beside she could be anyone and we have no idea if she ever show up." Lance said. Aaron came and assured, "Relax guys, I'm pretty sure she might come."

"What made you think she might come?"

Aaron replied, "I just do."

Night time,The Annual Party in the Joustum

I was with my mom and dad coz they wanted me in my best behavior among the 3 important judge. one of them is Mr Barker who was the critic to see and judge how the kingdom is, we just hope it might entertain him or he won't be coz he's very hard to impress. The announcers announce our names and they're speecj is kinda long. As the party start, they began to entertained the crowds. It was interesting show, the two judhe like it but for Mr Barker not very amuse. We watched as Aaron came out of the arena who wanted to show them his tricks. He did with his hoverboard tricks and glide around the air also avoiding obstacles. It was totally amazing as he float there looking around. 'I wondered what he was looking at' I thought.

"Your majesty it was a nice show but don't you have something new coz it's the same old thing." Mr Barker said. My father don't know what to say so he whispered to me, "Pumpkin did you find her?"

"sorry dad, We couldn't find her." I said. He sighed and said, "Oh well so much for entertaining." Poor dad he wanted to impress Mr barker.

Aaron's POV

I looked around and notice the king wasn't kinda happy. I guess Minx didn't came after all, I knew she won't be coming. the king said, "That was some entertainment, what do you think? judges."

1st judge said, " I think it was interesting the way Aaron fox did some tricks."

2nd judge said, "Yes i believe this kingdom was kicking off the notch."

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