Chapter 12 Emma

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Emma's P.O.V

She's so brave- I'm talking to myself, Bonnie has just entered the woods with me tailing her, darting from tree to tree in an attempt to stay undercover. It's all part of the plan, me to follow and make sure she's safe, Lina and myself are ready to call for help and save us.

I can still make out Bon's small figure amongst the wilderness. Watching as she stops, a massive blow from the wind nearly knocks me over and in those seconds I've lost sight of her! I rush forwards from trunk to trunk...

I'm totally lost. Ok, Bonnie said don't panic. Don't panic. Yeah that's it I won't panic... Oh god I'm panicking!

Now I'm running around frantically, forwards then back again when suddenly something very odd catches my eye. In the barely lit woods, I make out a net hanging from the tree followed by an ear deafening scream...

Oh crap!

As my eyes, followed the horrific scream, I see no Bonnie she had vanished! Now with a deep petrified state rushing through me I couldn't help but think, what if this stalker guy has kidnapped Bonnie what if that was his plan all along, to grab me and Bonnie's attention and then come running after Martha, so he could get his grubby hands on Bon?! As I questioned this in my spinning head, I darted my eyes everywhere....until I saw something or someone swaying at least 2 or 3 meters from the ground!

My eyes widened in fear, as I realised exactly who that is, swinging from the vast, spooky trees......."Bonnie!" I squeaked, under a few tears in my eyes.

I hate to see Bonnie in that much pain, I need to do something! I won't let this go any further - without taking my stressed eyes of poor Bon trapped in that humiliating net, I reach into my pocket taking my blue iPhone. Pulling my concentration away from Bon, I hung my head down tapping away dialling Bon's mobile number which she gave to Lina.

Anxiously pushing the phone up to my numb ear, I peered out into the distance to check Bon was still there - (hopefully still in one piece!)

Waiting for Lina to pick up, I nervously waited on the other end, tapping my foot constantly, on the damp floor trying to keep myself composed and calm; just like Bon told me. I must stay calm, else plan B, which is my part, will all come crashing down with an un - wanted thud!

After waiting a few very long minutes, I herd a familiar loud voice shouting down the phone.
"Em..Em is that you? What's happened?!" Lina began to question on the other end of the phone - before I could get a word in edge ways she began to throw me more questions!
"Oh, Em please tell me no one has died!?" She asked dryly.
"No no no god no!" I reassured her "Lina I need you to listen carefully...currently Bon is swinging in a net..from a tree and Martha is tied up so you need to get help!" I explained seriously.
"Right" - god what now Lina, we're getting desperate here!
"What?" I snapped back impatiently.
"Who the hell do I get help from?!" She wondered frantically - omg did Bon seriously not go over this with Lina?
Who can help us!? Not Bon's mum - that's a huge no no! Ugh it's going to have to be Eliot he's helped us get out of sticky situations before, but nothing quit this serious!
"Ring my brother from Bon's phone and tell him Bon is in a lot of trouble and he's our only hope. Got it?" I ordered dryly. (I know we can count on Eliot to help he's always been there for me in the past.)
"Right. Hang on in there Em!" And with that, she quickly hung up.

Sighing I shoved my phone into my pocket and slid slowly down the trunk of the tree, until I found my self sat in a small ball shape, resting my head on my knees waiting, as my heart is still pounding furiously in my chest, not quite recovered from all the drama yet!

As I sit tight and wait for someone to come to our aid, I keep glancing back just to check Bonnie and Martha are still ok, whilst I'm at it, I also analyse the area for who ever is behind all this. After about 5 minuets of searching, I do notice something - A dark figure hovering in the distance, I could only just make out what he was wearing, a dark hooded jumper and matching trousers! All a sudden, I realised that he can probably see me, so I quickly whip back around behind the large tree trunk; holding my breath as I do so. Could that be the person doing this to Bon and Em? Even if they are, then this person is a coward, lurking in the darkness like that, I mean who the hell do they think they are?! Or maybe I'm just hallucinating; but I'm sure I just saw someone....I just hope they didn't see me! I remain hiding, waiting for Eliot to come to our rescue.

Suddenly, I felt a warm touch grab my left shoulder! I let out a scream of fear and leapt to my wobbly feet, as I glanced furiously in the other direction I found myself face to face with a stranger - a super hot one, with amazing glistening eyes and glossy dark hair - but still a complete stranger.'s probably the one who is behind all this, I knew he saw me! With that I clenched my fist ready to through a punch at this guy, as I shot my fist forwards aiming for his confused face, he grabbed it before I could land my punch!

"Let go of me!" I cried pushing away from his strong chest, with me landing with a crash on my back side, in the soggy, wet mud! Fantastic!
He slowly and cautiously, crouched down beside me, as I stay awkwardly plopped in a heap of dirt.
"Look, Lina called me to help you guys she said you, Bonnie and Martha we're in really bad trouble and that I was your only hope!" He defended. But I thought Lina was calling my brother, so why has this random guy come instead?
I then turned to look at him.
"But she was meant to call my brother Eliot! And your defiantly not him, so who the hell are you?!" I questioned in a confused manner.
"Well, I don't even know anyone called Eliot" he began softly, "but I helped Bonnie out before" his eyes now searching the area, "wait, I didn't realise before but these exact woods....yeh it was here, I found her past out!" He explained.
Lina must have rang him as a last he must be Tristan!

He then swiftly pulled a gun from his trouser pocket. Alarmed, I jumped to my feet, I shot him a questioning look.
"Don't worry, it's not loaded, I just thought it would come in handy, it's my dad's gun, I mean he doesn't know I took it, but I want to help out as much as I can!" He declared.
"Um..r..right" I stuttered un surely, but also gratefully.
"So I'm guessing that's Bonnie in the net and your other friend tied up?" He quickly asked.
Giving him a sturdy nod, he was already of.

He set of towards Bon and Martha with his gun clearly by his side. I hope the person, I'm sure I saw, can see the gun just as clearly as I can!

Tristan now marching over towards Bon, who is still frantically tackling the net as it has her held in its grasp, I herd him shout, "Bon it's me Tristan, I'm coming just hold on in there!" He explained seriously.
I herd her squeak back desperately, "okay.....but please hurry!"

With out waiting another single minute, Tristan hurried around behind where Bon was hanging from and pulled a small pen knife from his trouser pocket, then chiselling away at a thin piece of rope that was currently holding Bon up high in the air.
Ok plan B is going fairly smoothly, but I'm slightly anxious about Bonnie's landing, once Tristan has cut the
rope, which is holding her up, she's  going to have a nasty landing...I mean she could potentially break a bone....maybe I'm being dramatic, I'm sure Tristan has it covered!

Glaring back at them waiting for Bon to be released, I herd Tristan shout, "got it!" The net then began to un tangle from Bonnie and she let out a sudden scream as she was falling from up high, with her long hair trailing after her.
I noticed Tristan hurried around to where Bon was falling and then before he could hold his strong muscular arms out, ready to catch her he lost his footing, stumbling over..........

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