Chapter 20 Maths

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We woke early the next morning, slipping back into our normal routines. It's a bright Tuesday morning with a frost in the air which seemed to set the tone of day, the perfect atmosphere to face the learning prison. That's right we're going to school!

Crazy I know, but after long debates and arguments last night we all agreed that we can't miss too much school. We may have a stalker on our hands who's potentially trying to fatally harm us but education comes first right?
Okay so that's not totally it....
The truth is that if we're not in school people get suspicious- letters get sent home- parents get worried and we get in trouble (and it wouldn't be the first time).
"Also if we don't carry on the stalker will think they've trapped us." Reasoned Em concluding our discussion the previous day, with which Martha replied, "They have trapped us..." Nevertheless we thought that the safe bet would to be in a building with plenty of witnesses.

So that's what we did.

"Lina what time is it?" I ask, as we put our makeup on.
"8:30" she shouts back from the the next room and within ten minutes we're out the door, everyone's facing a different direction- scouting out the area in almost a circular formation to make sure no backs are turned. Gosh what the neighbors must think, we look like we're expecting an attack- which we are!

At 8:50 we roll up out side the concrete steps and jump out Tristan's Volvo- ready to face the day.
"What've you got first?" Asks Tristan casually.
"Maths." I say with a hint of doom- I'm definitely not looking forward to Mr Greg.
"Right" he replies his expression hardening.
"Er see you later then." I say quickly as the engine starts again and we wave as he drives up past reception.

Those ten minutes went too fast-I think too myself as the bell sounds for first lesson. We make our way to the third floor math corridor and before entering the girls give me a little pep talk.
"Okay" Starts Emma, "be cool."
Lina follows on, "Yeah stay calm don't let him get to you."
"Or get near you!" adds Martha, raised eye brows.
"And don't do anything we wouldn't do" Finishes Em.
"I've got this" I say way too confidently because as soon as I enter I know I'm wrong...

"Oi Bonnie, where were you yesterday?" A way too familiar voice declares. I turn away and take my seat.
"Answer me then."
"I was ill." I say the first thing that comes to mind.
"I seeeee" he drawls, "and pull down your skirt I can see your ass"- he looks me up and down creepily. The usual.

I feel the heat spreading across my face, as I quickly yank down my skirt.

"Hey!" Commands a deep warm voice. I twirl around to see Tristan leaning against the door frame, my eyes nearly pop out in surprise.

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