Chapter 6: Frisk, Stop.

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~Sans' POV~
I just sort of stood there awkwardly as she began to head towards the door. Before I muttered my goodbyes, I remembered something. Toriel had baked a pie earlier. Butterscotch and cinnamon pie. Hopefully Y/N isn't allergic to that. Just as I was about to ask Toriel and Y/N if it was alright, if I mean.. If Y/N could just stay back a while and chill out with some pie, Toriel had already stood up. "Wait! Perhaps you'd like to stay for some tea and some butterscotch-cinnamon pie? My own recipe?" She turned around.

"Really? Oh well... I mean, I don't ever really have plans on a weekend so I guess I can..." I grinned and closed the door. "Well that's great. Heh, after all, I sort of owe you after what you did. I'll just go and put on the kettle." Toriel eyed me suspiciously, but, I just made the most innocent glance back that I could. I mean, nothing happened that should raise any suspicions anyway. But, at the same time, it's a little hard for me to pull off the whole 'innocent' sort of luck. I'm definitely not an angel, anyway.

That's what she is actually, remember? You literally just called her that. I shook off my thoughts and poured some water into the kettle. She is nice though. Augh, stop. I really had to shut myself up about this girl. Thinking back to her isn't going to change anything. Sighing, I poured the hot water out into a few mugs and made five mugs of tea. The fifth one, I made for my brother. He should be back soon from his job down at the café in town. It was a nice little place if I can remember anything about it.
Toriel seemed to have noticed I was acting a little weird so she gave me her concerned mom face. She can easily become a motherly figure to anybody, honestly. Even I've gotten attached to how much of a mom she is. Frisk is one lucky kid if I can say one thing about them. Toriel once again snapped me from my thoughts. With speech this time though. "Sans, something appears to be troubling you.. Are you alright?" I nodded. "Yeah. I'm perfectly fine." She shrugged lightly and cut the pie up before bringing it to the tidy, black table.

Papyrus kept it that way. Neat. I never did much around the house. Mostly because I was tired but, sometimes I'm just  plain lazy. That's nothing to be proud of, but it's just the way I am. Y/N sat down with Toriel as I brought back the tea mugs to the our seats. I took my seat as well, listening in on their conversation. Frisk sat weakly in Toriel's lap with a blanket, holding their cup. I had picked a smaller one for them. The two women were talking about the weather. A rather boring topic, but it reminded me....

I checked the weather report and raised a.. Well not really existent brow at it. A storm on such lovely weather like this? That can't be p- I looked out the window. No more warm glow of the sun. The skies were clouded and heavy. It was going to last til' about four. It was supposed to be a really heavy storm apparently. Oh. Well that's just brilliant isn't-... Wait. That meant Y/N could stay back with us. That's pretty great actually. She's funny with her antics and smile. Not to mention, she's actually a fairly relaxed person.

"Hey, Tori, I think you might wanna close down the windows and blinds." Y/N tilted her head towards me, looking a little confused. "Why would she have to do that, Sans?" I simply pointed behind myself without a word. She seemed a little discouraged. Maybe she did have plans after all? Maybe she just didn't want to disappoint us? Well, it was too late now. Toriel picked Frisk up from their lap and handed them to me as she went to go and close off the balcony and the windows all around. I looked down at Frisk and they looked back up at me.

They smiled warmly up at me. Then Frisk sneezed, falling backwards into my jacket. You could barely see them. "Woah, careful there little hero." They actually seemed quite comfortable more than anything else. Y/N had a huge smile on her face. "You're pretty good with kids I bet, huh? So, this is Frisk, the one who freed you all?" I nodded. "Yep, you got it right, lass." Frisk had cheeky grin on their face. I turned to look at them. They signed, "You Like Her. Don't you? Don't lie!" I frowned, taking their tiny hands into mine, giving them a warning glance. "Stop that.." Y/N looked a little confused. I'm glad she doesn't understand sign language.

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