Chapter 12: That Damned Thing

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•Sorry for huge delay on posting. Sick.•

You and Sans took your leave, and Sans also took a glance at Frisk who was signing something. Still, you had no idea what they were talking about. Sans signed back and closed the door behind himself. "Alright. So anyway, would you mind telling me who gave you that letter?" You nodded, explaining on the way to your local Starbucks. Sans didn't seem very approving, and he seemed to be lost in thought though he was listening carefully to you. Many places had been flooded from the night before so you could only hope the shopping mall was still open.

Surprisingly it was. Seems like their drainage systems are pretty good. Half the way of the walk, Sans would talk to you about the Underground and how it used to be. He told you that his memories were quite "mixed", which you didn't really understand. He said it would be a bit difficult to explain so he shrugged off the conversation about the Underground. You both walked into Starbucks, a few disapproving glares shooting your way. Some racists just wouldn't stop nagging monsters about how they should simply " go back from whence they came."

You on the other hand, still would have kept your distance from monsters, but you weren't an enraged racist. You supported their stay and all. Sans noticed you were looking a little lost and tugged lightly on the fabric of your poncho. You had left the blue floral shirt back at their place along with a pair of socks. They had given you some new clothing for the time being. "Y/N..?" You snapped out of your awkward trance and replied, "yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking about something. C'mon then." He followed you up to the counter, seemingly suspicious.

~Sans' POV~

Weird. She seemed to have stopped entirely to have thought about whatever it was.

No. You didn't want my help so no.

*scoff.* I didn't need your help!
Then what is it? Are you finally admitting that I'm better at dating skills than you?

I paid for Y/N's drink and for my own. I just took a latte, y'know. Ohh. This gave me an idea for pun. So we walked out of Starbucks and began heading towards the park.

No! Just. Are you entering her dreams and thoughts all the time? *dramatic gasp* My son, how could you accuse me of such a thing?

... She literally referred to you as the melting man.
Eh hehhhh... Well maybe. But I didn't enter her thoughts. That would be, well, taking her privacy away from her.

But didn't you already enter her dreams?
... Yas. Maybe.

I decided to break the silence. It had lingered too long. We were already at the park. Y/N seemed a little sad that we weren't speaking. I took a sip of my coffee. Right, I could do it now. "Heh... Hey. Are you a coffee?" She seemed awfully confused about this question.

"Uh.... I don't know...?" I smirked and looked to the side at the running river. "Well, I like you a latte." She blinked, processing the joke, then began to giggle a bit. "Yeah well uhm, tibia honest, I think you're great as well." That brought a smile to my face. Now this was some good fun. Or rather, pun. As we walked we made jokes and puns about various different topics. That was all great, while it lasted anyway. I tripped, feeling something was wrapped around my ankle. Y/N jumped back frantically, staring behind me. I dared to look.

There was a flower behind me. Oh. This again. One of it's vines had my leg. Surprisingly it was pretty tough. I tried to pry it off my boots, but the grip only got tighter. Dammit. I was stuck now. Y/N ran towards me, but that flower. That thing shot her down. It grinned insanely at me as I turned back to it. I tried grabbing it, with telekinesis and with my hands. It wouldn't hold still. "Do you really think I would give up after this?" It hissed. "No. I'll just use you to get my souls for me. Hah hah hah! I changed my mind!"

The flower's eyes blackened and it's jaws unhinged, as if it were ready to kill something. "I think that this is still a wonderful idea." A searing pain jolted through me. That damned thing was overgrowing me. Before I couldn't see anymore, the last thing before that flower went through my eye socket to steal all the light of this world from me? I saw Y/N, stepping backward. She was scared. I could tell... So were we.


Oh my. What'll reader do now?

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