Chapter 11: We should hang out or something

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• Please don't pressure me for new chapters. I'm still human and I'm not a robot. I have my own personal life and problems. Please understand. •

~Readers POV~

You stretched, getting up from your bed. But wait. It wasn't your bed, was it? That's right. It was Sans' bed not your own. This one was way more comfy. You put on your jeans and sat back down on the bed. You stared down at the paper the melting man had given you before and tried to read the symbols. You recognized this font for you often would like to troll people with it and annoy them with unimportant messages. However, you needed to look up the symbols. There was more than last night's line written there.

You didn't have wifi here though. And you figured asking for the code would be rude after everything your new friends had already done for you. You opened your door and once again smelt a brilliant aroma waft through the air. You closed the door behind yourself. You saw on the antique, ornate clock that it read the time was 11:43 am. Wow. I overslept as a guest. Oh god, whyyy. You stumbled out of the room wearily, getting yourself back to the main area of the apartment. Everything was tidied up already. Seems like Papyrus was busy yesterday.

Sans was still sleeping on the couch like the lazy bag of bones you assumed he was. There was just something in the atmosphere that lingered around him that read: lazy as hell. You walked into the kitchen, seeing Papyrus had just finished making some Spanish omelette. "Morning," you spoke in a cracking voice. "Ah, you're awake. Good morning, Y/N. How are you?" You yawned. "Uh, well.... I'm alright. Had an exhausting dream." Papyrus stared at you confusedly. "What do you mean by that?" You lifted the page in your hands. Papyrus took it and somehow read through the page of the many symbols.

He seemed to snicker, covering his mouth his hand. "Oh my." He looked up at you with a grin, pointing at the page. "Who gave you this?" You shrugged. "Weeelll the melting man in my dream gave it to me." He facepalmed and burst out laughing. "For what?!" You lightly shrugged and took the page back from Papyrus. You walked out of the kitchen to find that Sans had awoken from Papyrus' laughs. "Oh hey." He looked up. "Hm? Oh. Mornin' darling. How'd you sleep?" "Great." "That's good. Anyways, you probably wanna hurry out of here. After all, plans and stuff I would suppose, n'..."

There was a circled phrase at the bottom of the page. You of course couldn't read it. So, you tore it from the bottom of the page and gave it to Sans in hopes that he could translate it. Sans stared down at the page, suspicion shrouding his thoughts.

~Sans' POV~

I definitely don't have anything to do with this.

Dad why.
Because you're always being such a-

please just stop playing and messing around with my life.
It's my life too you know. Hey. You like her. Think back to what you were thinking just a moment ago Sans.

Fine. I'll go an ask her to the café. Yes, my son is slowly yet surely becoming in a relationship.

I scoffed and shook my head. For the past two days he was at it. Usually he wouldn't disturb me, but oh good god was he trying to now. I put the paper away into my pocket. She seemed to be at a loss for the situation. "... Uh, I never have many plans. I just need to go home later. Like not now. But.. Augh, sorry, I'm terrible with words." I grinned. "Alright."

After breakfast Papyrus left the house for grocery shopping. I then took the chance to go and ask if she wanted to go to the café. "So uh, since you still have no plans, do you wanna go to the café or something?" She looked more than happy after accepting. Though I could see in the corner of my eye a giggling, giddy Frisk. God. Dammit. Toriel must still be asleep. I quickly swiped a page from Papyrus' desk and wrote a little not to Tori before leaving with Y/N. Thank god she didn't decline or it might have been awkward.

Well hey looks like someone is having fun.
I will throw myself into the void if you keep annoying me.

Crappy chapters because I have no creative spark.

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