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Fitzroy: Hello! We are back at Fitzroy Studios to greet season two!
Franzia: And were happy to tell all of you that we have some suprises awaiting for today's chitchat!
Mia: And we thank all of you for the love and support through season 1!
Franzia: Oh yeah! We forgot someone who we didn't mention yesterday!
Mia: who is it?
Franzia: Here comes BARBARA!
Barbara: Thank you all for the love!
Fitzroy: And we are gonna continue interviewing the goddess of wisdom... Athena the Wise!
*Athena appeared and waves.
Barbara: Wait I studied you in high school greek myths!
Athena: Oh! I thought nor mortal has ever been studying about me.
Fitzroy: As Franzia said yesterday she wants to know about your father's history, so can you please?
Athena: Uranus married mother earth and gave birth to alot of children one of them is Chronose he just wanted all of the powers
So he killed his father Uranus and just married his sisters then one of them gave birth to Zues and grew up someone told him what would his father do so he killed Chronose and married Metis who while giving birth to me was gobbled up by Zues. Some time later he spitted me and Metis out. There that's all. Ican treat you with tasty olives!
Mia: Awesome
After eating olives.
Fitzroy: Tharnk yoru fror jrorning rus srorry ifr yoru carn't unrderer starnd me!
Athena: He mean, thank you for joinimg him and sorry if all of you can't understand him.
Franzia: So thank you for all the support through the season 1!
Mia: Thank you all for the love!


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