Happy Valentines!

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Franzia: Hands up for BIELIEBERS!!!
Mia: your too much fangirlish and childish.
Franzia: Geez, sorry!
Mia: Alright is it on?
(Camera man nods)
Mia: Hey, We are already taking over the studio for a few days-
Franzia:- Hey haven't you heard we aren't much that famous Mia.
Mia: Stop Franzia I'm talking infront of a famous artist at his house.
Franzia: My guess it's a Boy.
Mia: Right! Nevermind that subject but chicksister8 wrote a magazine which is cool!
Franzia: Your in microphone Mia.
Mia: I know.
Franzia: Ok back to the REAL subject!
Mia: HAPPY Valentines!
Franzia: I asure you that we are oncam and on air!
Mia: I'm sure that reality doesn't know about fantasy.
Franzia: And why?
Mia: St. Nicholas is real !
Franzia:It's Valentines day!
Mia: And I don't have a excact valentine.
Franzia: Me too...
Franzia:Anyway our appointment today is... WHAT THE?!
Franzia: You may never ever believe it!
Mia: Who?!
*Guest comes in...
Franzia: ALDUB!!!
Mia: Oh my G!
Franzia: Calm down,no going up the stage just keep calm!
Mia: So lets start our QUESTIONARE!
Franzia: #1. What made you two come to each other like chemistry?
Mia: Maine you answer first.
Maine: Actually his and my family that brougth us together because tito Vic and lola Nidora are friends.
Franzia: #2 Do you two bond off-cam?
Alden: Sometimes...
Franzia: Last question, are you two together all the time?
Alden and Maine: Yes!
*audients shouting
Mia: Sorry we ran out of time it's time to rest for school!
Franzia: Happy Valentines Day!
Mia: Aldub you!
Audients: MaAlden kita!

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