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Franzia: Hey! I'm Franzia your co-host for Fitzroy Talkshow!
Mia: Me and Franzia are taking over the Fitzroy Talkshow studio again!
Franzia: Our appointment today is...
*Men pushing an inflatable pool...
Mia: Who is it?
Franzia: Amphitrite!
Mia: Interesting...
Franzia: So are you up for a swim?
Amphitrite: Where?
Mia: You'll see...
Later on...
Franzia: Welcome to Boracay!
Mia: Just tell them your in a costume.
Amphitrite: Are you sure because I don't trust mortals.
Franzia:Yeah she's sure and they won't believe that your a real mergirl.
Amphitrite: Im trusting you!
Mia: Don't worry.
Amphitrite: Ok lets get swimming!
After swimming...
Franzia: So Amphitrite I believe you'll have landsickness anutime now so better go back to yoir family!
Mia: Bye!
Amphitrite: Thank you for the trip!
Franzia and Mia: YOUR WELCOME

Amphitrite the bubbly I wish I was a mermaid like you!


Sorry for not updating for a long time
Sorry for letting you down I'm sure I'll make it up for you.
Please go to Mia's account Vargasang123 I'm sure she will make good books as me. Thank you for reading!

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