Acia the SNAKE!

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Fitzroy: Hello welcome back to Fitzroy talkshow with Mia and Franzia!
Franzia: Seems like Fitzroy unconcious whats your problem?
Fitzroy: Our appointment remember!
Franzia: Our appointment is...
Mia:Acia the SNAKE!
[Fitzroy happens to faint and was lifted to the backstage to rest.]
Franzia: Well that's a rap of Fitzroy!
Acia: I come to show ACROBATIC tricks.
Franzia: Well Mia is going to flip out! Get it?
Mia: Yeah, Funny😡
Franzia: Looks like she's angry high top!
Acia: And I will teach you how to do a double back flip!
[Fitzroy walks in]
Fitzroy: What's this nonsense here?
Mia: Franzia is freaking me OUT!!!
Franzia: Nothing to do with that
[Franzia runs outside the set]
Mia: Ladies and gentlemen Franzia released  her inner tense.
Fitzroy: You know what guys this talk show is ruined I'll see you next talk show if I survive this one
Hey guys sorry for not updating for a while you know responsibilities anyway
I'm starting a new channel you know some tutorials for writing or some tips for categories at books and update some news about something happening and subscribe at chick sister click the link below
https://chick sister/
Actually there's no videos yet well making one right now
Cya later!

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