Chapter 9

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God, I want to touch her hair, was all that Alex could think. It was echoing through his mind like some kind of religious chant. How did she hold up all of that hair? It's literally defying gravity.

He wanted to kick himself for gaping at her like a moron. Who just stares at their student?

Alex hurriedly let go of the door handle and placed all of his teaching supplies down on Marie's - Mrs Bellerose's - desk. He didn't have to look to know that Amber was positively glowing a shade of red that could compete with a traffic light. A familiar rush ran through him with the knowledge that he had caused it. 

The students were growing restless as he fumbled aimlessly around his desk. 

"Talk amongst yourself," he told them as he opened his laptop to get the register up. 

He stared at the computer's loading screen as the little bar filled up painfully slowly. Just this once, Alex allowed his eyes to drift amongst the class. 

She had her back turned to him. Her hair ended in a little point on the nape of her neck. He had never noticed that before. 

You're staring, a nasty voice inside of him informed him.

Alex sighed and turned his gaze back to his laptop. 


"Is he still staring?" Amber asked through gritted teeth with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"No, you're clear," Zora told her after casually glancing over to the front desk. 

Amber sighed in relief and rested her face. 

"It's kind of creepy the way he was staring at you, Ambs. You sure you haven't bagged yourself a kidnapper?" Saf asked her playfully. 

Amber slapped his arm to cover up her nerves. Alex was so terrible at being subtle. 

"Do you think anyone else noticed?" She asked quietly after a moment. 

Saf's gaze softened as he noticed her concern. "I was just kidding. No-one could less about who he stares at." 

Amber gave him a nervous smile. 

"Since when is the fact a guy can't keep his eyes off of you a bad thing?" Zora questioned, rolling her eyes. "You look hotter than usual today and he knows it." 

Amber fought to keep another blush down. "Shut up. I look like I always do."

She heard Zora sigh but she was too busy trying to slyly glance at Alex. 

"Right, I have the register up," Alex announced, giving her a reason to look at him. 

She wasn't the only one who had dressed up today. He had swapped the chequered shirt from yesterday to a crisp baby blue shirt, which emphasised his twinkling eyes. The shirtsleeves were rolled up to the elbows to reveal a splash of green paint that he seemed to have missed on his forearm.

He began to call out the names. 

Please don't hesitate with mine, Amber pleaded internally to him as he got closer and closer to her name.  

Saf and Zora perked up at their desk as waited expectantly for the moment Amber's name would rise to his lips. 

"Amber Riley?" He asked. 

He didn't look at her. His face was pensive as he scrolled down the register. She had never heard him say her whole name before. She wanted to replay the way it rolled off of his tongue in a smooth, slow drawl. 

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