Chapter 10

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After their argument on Monday, Amber had still not spoken to Mr Riley despite her needing a ride to the hospital to have her stitches taken out. 

Amber decided to call Matty and ask if he could take the morning off to drive her to hospital and he had kindly agreed. 

Amber dressed herself in her favourite leather skirt so that the doctor would be able to find the wound easily. She took a pair of tights in her bag to change into before the spent the rest of the day at school. In the back of her mind, Amber was aware that should would be meeting Alex the evening. She put a little more effort into her make up again. 

The doorbell rang when she was halfway down the stairs. Mr Riley made it to the door before she had even reached the bottom step. Her voice seemed to have gotten lost somewhere deep inside her as she couldn't find it in herself to protest. 

"Oh," Matty answered abruptly, taken aback by Mr Riley's appearance. "Hello, Mr Riley, I'm here to take Amber to the hospital for her appointment." 

Mr Riley made no attempt to turn to Amber, who was struggling to hurry over to the door. "I'm afraid we won't be needing your help today, Matt. I'll be driving Amber there." 

Matty's eyes electric eyes widened in surprise and flickered from Mr Riley to Amber. "Oh. Well, it's just that I took the day off and -" 

"I'm sure you'll find something to occupy your time," Mr Riley answered before moving away from the door to shut it. 

"Wait, Dad. I need to speak with Matty," Amber said hurriedly. 

Mr Riley did not acknowledge Amber's words, and instead turned and walked to the living room as though something had attracted his attention in there. 

Matty frowned, his thick eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Well, that was odd." 

Amber sighed and glanced down at the ground. "I haven't spoken to him since Monday... Matty, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he'd act like this."

Matty's expression softened as he placed two comforting hands on Amber's shoulders. "Hey, don't worry about it."

She looked up into soothing eyes and felt a calmness that only he could make her feel. "I made you take the morning off. I'm such an idiot." 

Matty rolled his eyes. "Stop worrying about me. I'll find something to do to make this morning worthwhile. I was thinking of going to Lindsey's mother's anyway."

He said the last sentence hesitantly. Amber frowned up at him. "Are you sure you're ready, Matty? It's only been a few days."

"Lindsey's not going to be home. I wanted to talk to her mother. Figure out what's going on with her," Matty answered with a small smile. It was the first time in days that she had seen him smile without someone encouraging it. 

She smiled back at him. "I think that'll do you some good." 

He nodded and released her shoulders. "I guess I'll see you later then?" 

She nodded. "I'll text you after I'm out these damn things." 

They both glanced down at her crutches. Matty shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. "You'll tell me all about your sexy rendezvous with Charming then?"

Amber rolled her eyes. "Of course. All the dirty deets." 

Matty gave her final smile before walking back to his car which was parked in the driveway. 

Amber hobbled back into the house and went to find her father.

Mr Riley was sat was gathering his wallet and phone and shoving them in his pockets. Amber stood by the doorway, not knowing what to say. It was as though her tongue had disappeared in her mouth. She yearned to say something - anything - but there was nothing to say. She had been too harsh when they had spoken about Ann. It was as though the string that had held them together was pulling too thin, and only a single strand held them together. 

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