Chapter 20

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It was their first fight and it certainly wasn't easy on either of them. After spending the night on Matty's couch, Amber awoke for a second time with her friend's arm wrapped protectively around her. It seemed they had started a new tradition every time either of them was going through a crisis in their relationship. Amber glanced over to a snoring Matty, feeling completely at ease in his arms. If she really allowed herself to, Amber would be able to forget that Matty was still in a relationship with Lindsey, even if it was now long-distance. A part of her knew that Matty could forget to. It would have been so easy to be unfaithful but neither of them would allow it to happen. They cared about each others' happiness too much to let themselves get tangled in a moment of weakness. 

Amber's heart twinged painfully at the thought of ever being with anyone but Alex. That was a possibility now. Had they broken up? It wasn't exactly clear. She had kissed him, yelled at him and left the apartment. 

Matty stirred and Amber hastily pretended to be asleep, not wanting to talk about what had happened the night before. She felt him rise from the sofa in hurry, as if in confusion of where he was. He was still again for a moment before Amber felt his tender hand brush her hair out of her face, hesitant at first but then lingering for a moment. It took every ounce of willpower for Amber not to burst into tears at his caress. How she desperately wished it was Alex holding her face instead of Matty. She heard him sigh quietly before rising from the sofa and walking to his room. 

Amber lay still for a moment, her face still warm from where Matty had touched her. She knew how much he cared for her. It was more than he was willing to admit and it was certainly more than Amber wanted to know, and yet she felt the exact same way for him. 

She lay alone on the sofa for a while, gathering her thoughts. She would have to see Alex at school today. It certainly wouldn't be easy but she didn't have a choice. At least she would have Zora to comfort her. The thought of having to tell Zora what happened pained Amber. Matty didn't even really know what had happened. She supposed it was better to tell him sooner better than later. He had been kind enough to comfort her blindly, without even knowing what the matter was. 

Amber decided to head to the bathroom and shower, she knew Matty wouldn't mind. She took the spare towels out of the cabinet and took her time, washing away her now dried tears. Although she tried to keep her mind occupied by humming, all she could of think of was Alex. He probably thought she was being immature. This never would have happened if he was with someone his own age: something that Amber was still insecure about.

Matty knocked on the bathroom door. "Amber, you okay in there?" 

Amber shut the water off and began to dry herself. "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute."

She didn't hear his footsteps move away from there door. He was hesitating. 

"You know you can talk to me, right?"

Amber wrapped the towel around herself and stepped out the shower to open the door a crack. He glanced down at her in surprise. 

"I know, Matty. Put the kettle on, I'll get dressed and then we can talk." 

Amber hurriedly pulled on her dress and tried to use the towel to dry her hair the best she could. It was no longer dripping when she emerged into the kitchen. 

Matty handed her a mug of steaming tea. She sat at his small two-person dining table while he stood leaning against the counters, his hands cradling his mug. He was still in his pyjamas and his hair was a tousled mess.

Amber stared down at the steam rising out of her mug, not knowing where you start. 

"So you know about the children's author who wanted me to illustrate his book, right?" 

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