Zane x reader

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Important info
Y/n = your name
V/n= village name
N/n= nickname
F/n= father name
M/n= mother name
L/n= last name
S/n= sibling name
F/c= favorite color
E/c= eye color
S/f/c= second favorite color
B/s= birth stone


"Ha ha." Laughter filled the air giving the crisp autumn morning a joyous feel. You smile as your beloved family surrounds you. Life has never been kinder and that is the reason you love autumn. The cool air, the oranges and reds of the leafs, your breath becoming a cloud and whisking away like it was never there.

Beware the calm before the storm. People would have warned you. Beware the calm before the storm. The sound of an explosion disturbed the silence. People screaming, fires cracking and the sound of ghoulish laughter sliced through the air like the sharpest of blades. You loved autumn but not any more. The cries of children made your heart ache with sorrow as you ran into town to attempt to help anyone you could. A woman's screams were abruptly cut off when you saw it. A portal. A nether portal with shadow souls and shadow knights pouring out like water from ice. You stood there. Frozen from shock and terror. You couldn't do any thing. Your brain screamed at you to move but you couldn't. Out of the army of shadow knights a young man walked towards you with an evil grin and fire dancing in his eyes.

"Ahahahaha!" His laughter was different from your family's. His laugh was crude, full of hatred and disgust. You were petrified. You couldn't run, you couldn't hide and you couldn't see if your family was OK. "Hello there. I'm the High Priest of Oklasis Zane." In all of your terror you managed to talk a little bit. "Hello I'm y/n but people usually call me n/n. I am a villager of v/n and we surely don't like it when people attack us." Your surprised that you sounded so calm even though your heart is beating a thousand times per second. Even the High asshole of Oklasis seemed surprised but he quickly composed him self. "Ha-ha. AHAHAHAHAHA! Why would I , Zane Ro'meave son of lord Garte care about what you think?!" "Apparently you don't, so sadly I must fight to protect my village... Or what's left of it."  You bent down and pick up a stone sword lying by your feet. " HAHAHAHA! DO YOU NOT REALIZE WHAT YOUR UP AGAINST IF YOU FIGHT ME! I-" You cut him off. "Shadow beings, zombie pigmen, blazes, magma cubes, wither skeletons, ghast, and the Oklasis guard. Honestly I don't care who or what I have to fight so long as I protect the place where I was born and if I die I know I will die by your sword for I refuse to accept my fate against any think else." You say it with so much confidence you can hardly recognize your self. "Well let's see where this confidence will GET YOU!" And he lunged.


The sound of swords clashing rings in your ears. Metal to stone. It wasn't exactly a fair fight but you had to win. Suddenly Zane kicks you sharply in the stomach towards the fire. Flames lick your cheeks and start to eat away at your clothes turning what ever was flammable to ash. You quickly grab a suit of armor and put it on to protect your skin. You grit your teeth against the intense heat and leap once again into battle. Zane blocks you from above but doesn't expect you to kick where the sun will never shine.

You jump away hoping that he passed out from the pain but he started to slowly got up. You wait for him to regain posture and attack you again but he instead mutters "why?" You glare at him under your helm then turn away to fight the other beings terrorising your village. You hear footsteps behind you and Zane puts a sword to your neck "Oh we are not done yet." "Yes we are. Your to weak to fight in your condition so go home and heal why don't ya and take your army with you." You respond calmly. "No! I want you to answer my questions and listen to my demands." "Well we could have talked before but you didn't want to listen to what I wanted to say." "I wouldn't be so calm when its your families life on the line." He grins cruelly, takes the sword away from your neck and snaps his fingers. You see five shadow knights walk towards you from out of the flames and they seem to be dragging three people behind them. The shadow knights toss the people forward. They land with a loud thud. They appeared to be a man, a woman and a child. They were so still that anyone could mistake them for being dead, the only thing telling you that they were alive is the faint and nearly undetectable rise and fall of their chests. They were so covered in soot, ash and blood that you could hardly recognize them. But then you heard the little one mutter weakly "big sister y/n?" No. No no no no NO! "S/N!"
"Aw. Isn't this sweet. I mean seriously I'll get a cavity. Now if you want dear s/n to live you have to answer my questions." "FINE! I'll answer your stupid questions just please. Please don't hurt them." You began to feel tears form in your eyes at the thought of losing your mother, your father and your sibling who has only existed in this world for a short while. He looks surprised about your quick surrender then he grins evilly. "Ok first off how would you feel if I did this!" He grabs a sword and sticks it inches away from your mother. You gasp and cover your mouth. You can feel your eyes start to sting. "Oh really how about THIS!" He retrieves the sword and stabs the ground grass blades away from your father. You squeak, shut your eyes and turn your head away. You feel a hand in your head and your head is forced to face forward. You can feel a salty liquid pushing towards your eyes. "Ha-ha. I quite like this game." He turns toward the youngest one. "How about," he raises the sword above his head "th-" you run towards him and knock him to the ground. You have him pined by his arms and at this point in time your tears are falling like rain. He looks up at you shocked. "Stop. Please just stop it. Your hurting the people I love ,the people I live for and I know you don't care about how others feel. You've made that quite clear." You can hear ten sets of foot steps walking towards you but you don't care. So long as you can at least try to get him to understand its worth it to you. "But just please. Please don't kill them. I love them with all of my heart and we don't need people like you killing us. Please." He looked up at you astonished. "Um. Can you please get off of me?" You nodded and crawled off still looking down. One of the shadow knights walked up beside him and whispered some thing to him which he growled a response. He than looks towards you and says "I won't kill them." You sigh with relief. "They will kill them." He orders a guard to cut down your family. "Wait! No! What!?" The High Priest turns around and the only thing you can do is watch in horror as guards stab your knocked out family. You are filled with such grief that you just fall to your knees, crying and screaming bloody murder. The attackers leave you sobbing in the middle of the burnt and broken runes of your old village sitting in front of your now dead family but you don't realize that in the forest a pair of eyes are watching and crying with you.

I Was Broken But She Fixed Me (A Zane X Reader) [Pretty Much Dead]Where stories live. Discover now