Chapter 18 - Me?

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Do you know how many votes I got on the last chapter? I asked for 20 so it would give me time to upload AND YOU GUYS VOTED 66 TIMES.

Oh My God. I underestimated the power of yous.

So Thank you Beautiful people! You're all fab.

I've already started the next chapter of this! I'll upload it when I get 100 votes. Yes, 100 votes

Its okay if I dont get it, I just need time to finish the chapter I guess and I felt pretty guilty for not uploading straight away once I got the 20 votes like.. Sorry!



Chapter 18.

To say I got in trouble would be an understatement. My mam had lectured me for hours to respect my elders, saying how this could be released to the press, blah blah blah. She hasn't made a comment on how close Justin and I had gotten moments before she burst into the room, even though I know she noticed it. Saying that, Justin and I hadn't mentioned either. A week had passed and neither of us said a word, just acted as if it never happened. Not that anything had happened. Nothing happened.
My punishment for pulling the prank was that my phone was to be taken of me until my mam feels I had earned it back. That would be fine if I wasn't going to Canada for Justin's break or for me to start writing songs. I know, what lifetime will that happen in? But the point is, I can't contact my friends. My mam is well aware of that though and plans to let me and my friends suffer. Justin had his phone taken off him too, for helping me. Which is fair I guess, but now I can't even use his phone to contact my friends.
I wasn't really sure at this point whether I liked him it not and I was too much of a coward to ask if he liked me, I was afraid of rejection. Who isn't afraid of rejection?
It had taken a good while to get to Canada from Ireland but I slept most of the way so it didn't bother me. I already missed my friends and it had hardly been a day. Pattie had been kind enough to  let me and my mom stay with her and Justin whilst we were in Canada. So here I sat in a room that would be mine for a few weeks, staring at a blank piece of paper. Scooter had told me to write as much as I can and if I had problems to go to Justin.
Suddenly the door burst open and Chaz came tumbling in with Justin trailing behind him.
"Baby!" He exclaimed, his arms open, waiting for a hug.
"My little minge, awh" I giggled, hugging him.
"Minge?" I laughed knowing I referred  to him has a vagina.
"If you say so.." He trailed off, "How are you doing anyways? I haven't seen you in what? 3 days? Whoa" I laughed.
"I'm nervous."
"Nervous? About what?" Justin questioned.
Sighing, I answered, "About this whole song-writing thing! I can barely write an essay never mind a whole song!"
He ran his hand over his face tiredly. "Look, I'll be there to help you. It'll be fine, if it doesn't come out well - which it will, we'll just figure it out then okay?" He smiled softly. My gaze dropped down to his pink plump lips. I shook my head and looked away.
"But it's your break, you shouldn't have to help me" I replied guilty.
Smiling softly, he answered, "I must love you or something"
I laughed at his joke but a tiny piece of me wanted it to be true.
"Let's do something!" I suggested, I wasn't getting anywhere with this song so I may as well go out and explore Canada.
"I can't, I have to help Ryan with something.." Chaz butted in. I frowned.
"Awh really? We could ask that Nolan guy?" I offered.
"Yeah that-" Justing started but Chaz cut him off.
"No! He's helping me help Ryan with that thing" he said quickly. Justin shot him a look.
"What thing?" I ask curiously, raising an eyebrow.
"A thing"
"Fine, be secretive, I don't care" I muttered. Chaz smiled nervously and practically ran out the door. I raised an eyebrow but decided not to question it. Instead, I turned around to face Justin, "Guess it's just you and me then, Justin" I grinned. Oh boy.
"Where to?" Justin asked holding his arm out for me to hold. I smiled taking it.
"I don't know, how about the movies?"  I suggested as we started walking.
"Sure whatever you want"
"Coolness, I really wanna see The Hangover Part 3! The first two were so funny, I can't even imagine how the third one would be like!" I exclaimed excitedly as we walked towards the car.
"The Hangover Part 3 it is! Anything for m'lady" Justin bowed, opening car door and holding his hand out to help me in.
Giggling, I toke his hand. "Why thank you, kind sir" I said, sitting down in the passenger seat. He closed the car door and strolled over to the drivers side and hopped in.
"This will probably look like a date to the media" Justin joked. I forced a smile.
"Well we are suppose to be a couple"
"We're a cute couple" He said grinning.
"Only the cutest" I winked.
When the movie starts the only thing I seem to be paying attention to is Justin's arm that he has around me but I don't think he noticed he had. It's very distracting, I haven't a clue what's going on in this movie. I'm freaking out incase there's some part of Justin that does knows what he's doing and that he's making a move on me. Do I want him to make a move on me? I don't even know. I feel like a bi-polar emotional wreck. I'm crying on the inside.
Half way through the movie I decided I would laugh uncontrollably just so it looked like I was actually watching the movie but Justin just have me the weirdest look that obviously meant 'yes she's a complete physcopath'. I didn't mind though, everyone thinks I'm weird.
Once the movies over we wait till everyone leaves the theatre, that way nobody will recognise us. We head towards the food court.
"McDonalds or KFC?" He questions.
"Emer doesn't care as long as she gets food."
"Do you always talk about yourself in a third person?"
"Nah, it's a new thing but I think I like it!" I wiggle my eyebrows and he chuckles.
"Wanna know what I like?" He winks.
Rolling my eyes, I answered, "What do you like?"
Poking my nose, he replied, "You."


idk I guess I have a thing for cliffhangers now lol.


Have you guys any news? I don't. 

Thats it I guess, sorry for the wait!




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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