Chapter 8 - Somebody's on their period...

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OKAY, first thing is first.

Okay, I want alot of readers and everything but I am not- I repeat NOT - going to PM you all everythime I've updates.

Like, What the fuck? I was saying how irritating it was, and now more people do it?


Emer's P.O.V

"Hopped up outta bed, turn ma swag o-on." I sang loud and obnoxiously, but terrible. Weird thing is, When I sing in school.....I sing horrible, like I could make your ears bleed. I don't even TRY to sing, cause' people would turn around and be like 'Wow, Your Amazing' or whatever. I must be if I got signed,right? Not trying to be concieted.

"Toke a look in the mirror says 'Wassup? Wassup? Wassup?'" Alex sang off-key. I don't know weither she can sing properly or not....I'm not saying she terrible, I mean....she could do what i do, and let on that your a terrible singer.

"YEAH. I'm gettin' mone-ey Oh oh oh...." " We continued until we were outside our Maths class.

We burst through the door and everyone was staring at us. Oh, were we late? Oops...

"Where were you?" Ms. Henry asked.

Up my ass picking flowers, Where do you think? Ugh, stupid teachers.

Every ones jaw dropped to the floor.

"Shit." I cursed loudly. "Did I say that aloud?" I asked. The class interrupted in giggles.

"Emer. Principle's office. NOW." Ms. Henry shouted.

Well somebodys on their Period. Alex burst out laughing next to me.

"Fuck!" I swore. "I did it again, Didn't I?" I mumbled. Alex 'Hmmd'

"Emer, I will not tell you twice. Principle's office." You just did, Asshole. and with that I stood up and walked out of the classroom.

I knocked on the door of the Principle's office. I heard a faint 'Come In'. So i did.

"Ah, Emer. What can I do for you today?" Mr. Conolly asked. Its never good when the Principle knows who you are.

"Ms.Henry sent me here." I muttered.

"Ah, I see. What for?" He asked.

"Well, You see....I may of been thinking aloud, by mistake. You see, she asked me a question and I thought about something....All of a sudden the whole class is laughing. It was a Hot Mess." I said as if I was shocked. I'm not surprised i was thinking aloud, I do it constantly.

"What exacly did you say?" He asked. My smiled dropped.

"Can't remember." I smirked.He nodded.

"I'll just call Mrs. Henry in then." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and muttered 'Whatever'.

Like as if I give a shit, what you do.

"Wait outside, Please." He asked polietly. I stood up and walked outside.

Ms.Henry walked passed me, glaring.

Isn't she lovely?

The minute Mr.Conolly's door closed, I ran to my math class. The class was chattering, as usual. Once the door opened everyone focused their attention on me.

I ran in grabbed my schoolbag and ran out but not before Alex could qusetion me.

"What the fuck? Where are you going?" She asked.

Fame. (A Justin Bieber Lovestory)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora