Chapter 10 - Scott, why do you have to such a buzz kill?

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I'm SO sorry I havent uploaded in AGES!

 I had those really important test I was going on about the last two weeks...

My mom said if I did bad in them She'd take me phone, iPod AND laptop away...

I wouldnt be able to upload or anything....Sucks, I know.E

Well, here goes nothing...Enjoy!:D


Chapter 10.

Emer's P.O.V

"It will be fine." Pattie assured me.
"Says the person who can actually WALK in heels!" I muttered. Justin chuckled loudly, causing me to spin around and glare at him.
" What are you chuckling at!? You're not the person who has to learn how to walk in heels IN A DAY!" I rushed. " Go ahead, chuckle. I dare you." I told him in a dark tone. He looked at and started laughing but quickly clamped his hand over his mouth, trying to stop himself. He failed, as usual. I could still hear the muffled laughs coming from him.
"Your such an insensitive jerk!" I spat angrily. "Its all your fault anyways! If wouldn't have been such an old man I wouldn't be in this mess!" I fumed.
"I'm telling Ciara you called me an old man." he shot back. How mature.
"oh, you can tell her that I broke your arm too." I smiled. His eyebrows furrowed and confusion masked his face.
"My arm isn't broken though..." he trailed off. I smiled sweetly.
"Oh, but it will be." with that, I launched myself on him, sending us both tumbling to the ground. I started hitting him repeatedly. Stupid, insensitive jerk. He doesn't care about anyone but himself! The more I though how much of a jerk he was, the more my blood boiled, causing my hits to come out harder. Good for me, bad for him.
"EMER! Get off him, NOW." Scott ordered. I rolled my eyes and quickly got off Justin, if I hadn't Scott probably would have mentioned this 'incident' to my mom, and that wouldn't have been good. I would probably get grounded. My mom doesn't approve of fighting with people and she told me of I got in a fight with one more person - a fist fight - she would send me to anger management classes as my punishment. Embarrassing, yet effective.
"Scott, why do you have to such a buzz kill?" I questioned.
"Because I don't want Justin to get a black eye. The EMA's are tomorrow AND not to mention you guys are supposedly dating. You should be cuddling with each other not attacking!" he rushed.
"She couldn't give me a black eye!" Justin objected. I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever gets you to sleep at night." I smirked.
"You-" he got cut off.
"Justin." Pattie stated sternly. He slumped back on his seat and huffed. How immature.
"Okay, Emer I need you to go out and get a new dress later, something nice, mature. You're going on the red carpet, that kinda maturity needed. Here's my credit card, don't go crazy." Scott muttered the last bit. I grinned.
"Whoa, Really? Thanks" I thanked him.
"Could you drop me at the shopping centre?" I asked him. He looked confused at first then he nodded.
"Shopping centre? What the hell is that?" Justin asked confused. I raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry, Lemmie rephrase that." I smirked. "Can you like, drop me off at the mall?" I asked in a fake, high-pitched, American school girl accent.
"Americans don't talk like that." Scott chuckled while walking out or the car.
"Do too." I poked my Tongue at him childishly. He rolled his eyes at my immaturity.
We all piled into Scott's car and sped off to the mall. I quickly sent a text to Alex, Ciara and Laura asking them to meet me there. They agreed, of course. I mean, who could say no to this face? :)

* * *

Once we reached the shopping centre - or the 'mall' in Justin's case - I quickly jumped out of the car giving them all a swift hug as I left.
"Hold it." Scott stopped me. I turned around, mentally cursing. I was so close of getting away with his credit card.
"Justin is going with you. You guys have to be seen out together in public, Remember?" Scott reminded me. "not to mention that you have my credit card." he added.
I groaned. "C'mon Justin." I huffed.
"What? That's it? No fight? No name-calling? Wow, I must be growing on you." he teased. I glared at him.
"As if. Are you coming or not?" I asked, annoyed.
"Course, Your my girlfriend. Wherever you are, I am too baby." he grinned like an idiot.
"Fake!" I hissed. "Just c'mon if your coming!" I told him angrily. He smirked and hopped out of the car, now standing beside me. He held out his hand for me to hold, that smirk still painted on his face. I rolled my eyes and snatched it with mine, weaving our fingers together.
"Let's get this over with." I muttered, not excited to go shopping anymore, I wonder why. Oh right, Justin's with us, that's why.
"Oh lighten up." he winked at me giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
"Ew!" I shrieked wiping his spit off my face. He rolled his eyes.
"So dramatic." he teased.
"So dramatic, my ass" I muttered.
After a few minutes of looking for Ciara, Alex and Laura I caught sight of them. I quickly walked over them, Justin in tow.
"Hey guys." Alex said casually.
"Ello." I chirped. I scanned the shops.
"Where to?" I asked. Laura shrugged, Alex looked at me as if to say ' What the fuck you looking at me for? Do u look like an expert?'. We all quickly looked at Ciara. She grinned and grabbed Alex and Laura's hand, towing them with her. Me and Justin walked behind them hand-in-hand.
I know, gross. Ciara pulled us into Victorias Secret. I groaned. Justin was enjoying himself though.
He picked up a black lacy bra and thongs and held them up to me, closing one and tilting his head he spoke; " This would look perfect on you, Emer. I say we buy it." he winked. My jaw dropped.
"I'm 14!" I exclaimed.
"Scooter said you had to dress mature. I'm getting it whether you like it or not." I groaned.
"No! Put it down." I told him sternly. He ignore me.
"What size are you?" my jaw dropped. He looked at me then raised his eyebrows. His eyes traveled down my body, to my butt.
"I think your small in  the thongs." he told himself more than he told me.
"Now, bra size..." he looked at my chest.
"Justin!" I exclaimed covering myself.
"Fine.." he trailed off. I let out a sigh of relief. "...Ciara!" he called.
Ciara was by his side in an instant.
"Yes?" she chimed.
"What  size is Emer in bra?" he asked.
"Oh, that easy she's-" I cut her off.
"Ciara!" I exclaimed surprised.
"ill just pick it out." she murmured to Justin.
"I'm not getting them!" I cried. They ignored me. Justin handed Ciara Scott's credit card and he pulled me away. I thought I had that...
"CIARA I SWEAR IF YOU BUY THAT..." I threatened.


10 million bags later, me and Alex were screaming at the top of our lungs, our voices echoed through the shopping centre.
"ALEX HAS A WIDE SET VAGINA AND A HEAVY FLOW!" I yelled randomly. Justin did a double take. Guess he isn't used to our behaviour.
"Hey! You can't quote me!" I exclaimed.
"I didn't quote you! You quoted mean girls!" she argued. That shut me up.
"Whatever." I mumbled.
"FOOD!" I exclaimed running toward the golden gates of McDonald's.
"Mackers for the Knackers." I stated dramatically.
"what are Knackers?" Justin asked. We all exchanged looks.
"Americans." we said in unison.
"I'M NOT AMERICAN, I'M CANADIAN!" he exclaimed causing a few people to look our way.
"We get it your a proud Canadian, blah blah blah. We heard it all before." I told him in a bored tone.
We quickly ordered our meals and toke our seats.
"Are we almost finished?" I asked motioning toward the shops.
"Yeah, we just need to get your shoes." Ciara told me while munching on a chip.
"Awww!" I whined.
"Grow up." Ciara muttered. Bitch.
"I think we should leave now, I'll just tell Scott that we forgot about the shoes..." I suggested.
"No." Ciara told me sternly.
"But-" I got cut off.
"No." she stated firmly.
"No, end of." she finished. I huffed and slumped back in my seat.
"Justin..." I called in a seductive tone. He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't even try it." he smirked. "No wait, go ahead and try." he winked. I scoffed. Asshole.
"Ready?" Ciara asked. Everyone nodded minus me.
"No." I told her.
"Great let's go!" she chirped, ignoring me. I pouted.
" Justin? Carry me?" I smiled sheepishly. He sighed then pulled me on his back.
"Weee!" I yelled childishly.
Alex and Laura giggled.
"Justin, Youu R Da best Person Holder In Da whole wide world!" I told him dramatically.  He chuckled as we walked into schuee.
"Try these on." Ciara ordered while tossing me a pair of heels.
I quickly slipped them on and stood up.
"Hey! These aren't so bad." I smiled. "I feel so tall." I giggled.
"Okay, now walk." Ciara instructed.
I winked at her and strutted around the shop.
"How was that?" I asked.
"Are you sure you've never worn heels before?" Laura questioned. I giggled.
"We'll get 3 pairs of shoes, so you can wear each with different outfits too." Justin told me. For the first time, I glanced at him.
"Hey, not so tall now huh?" I teased. He rolled his eyes.
"C'mon lets pay and get outta here." he muttered.
"Agreed, I feel like my feet are gonna fall off." I pouted.
I quickly picked out 2 more pairs of heels - well, Ciara did. I watched. - and payed for them.
"EMA's here I come." I smirked.


I hope that makes up for the two weeks I haven't posted(: I'll upload Never Let You Go tomorrow, I promise.

On a serious matter I think we should all pray for Whitney Housten - Hoping she's in a better place, also for her family to stay strong.

Also, I think we should pray for a little girl called Hanna Hwang. I don't know if you guys have heard of her, But Selena Gomez was her role-model, I presume she was battleing cancer. 2 nights ago, I was watching a video she made for Selena Gomez. The next morning I found out she died.

We should keep her and her family in our prayers as well as Whitney H's.

Thanks for listening(: Havee a good night.

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