Chapter 7 - Hoes gotta stick together

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Kidding....It was a joke....Your supposed to laugh.....Like, 'Haha'.

Funny, Yes. See. Good. Here:D


Chapter 7

Emer's P.O.V

I walked up the steps to my front door, and remembered, I hadn't brang my keys. Great. Note my Sarcasm.

I knocked on the door lightly. The door flung open, to reveal a very worried looking Ciara.

"Oh thank good!" she exhaled. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, No thanks to you." I spat. What? She could have stood up to Justin when he WASN'T giving me food!

"W-What?" She stuttered.

"Nothing. Go run of with Justin" I shoved her then walked in the door.

"Oh Goodness! What happened?" Mom asked.

"Ask Justin." I hissed. Justin stood there with a pained expression on his face. He's in pain? Good, I'm glad. Asshole.

I sneezed. "Son of a -" I got cut off.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Mom scolded. I rolled my eyes .

"Fine." I grumbled.

"Now, tell me. Why do you like like a drowned cat?" Mom asked me. I snorted. Wow, Thanks.

"I told you to ask Justin." God, Doesn't she listen? These are the times I wish I could punch her in the face....and not get in trouble.

"Justin?" Mom asked.

"I dunno.." He trailed off. My blood started to boil. I wouldn't be surprised if steam started coming out of my ears. He doesn't know. Psh, Yeah. That's the reason.

"YOU DON'T KNOW?" I bellowed. He cringed. If I'm right, he actually looked a little scared too.

"You wouldn't give me my food then you left me at a bus stop....IN THE FRIGGIN RAIN!" I exclaimed angrilly.

"You were dry-humping Chaz!" He exclaimed in his defense. I rolled my eyes.

"And I said I was joking!" Seriously, Does he need a hearing aid? I thought I told him this already? -_-

"Psh, Yeah! You're...You're just a little slut!" He spat. My heart stopped. Slut? I started getting teary eyed, Ugh, Here we go again. I flew up the stairs in a flash. I didn't want anyone to see me cry. No one has ever seen my cry.....My friends think I'm just really strong, and I can take anything. Wrong. I'm actually really vulnerable. Everyday, after I came home from school, I used to run up to my bedroom and cry. I always had a hard time in school. After a while, My mom got sick of hearing me sobbing so she made me move. That's how I met Ciara, Laura and Alex. They're my best friends, Sure we get in fight all the time. But, Who doesn't? Nobodies perfect.

I locked my bedroom door, So no one would come in.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door. I sniffed.

"Who is it?" I made my voice sound as normal as possible, So no one would know I was crying.

"It's me." Ciara answered. "Can I come in?" She asked.

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