Chapter Two

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I wanted to learn everything straight away, but the girl reminded me that I was still sweaty and gross from performing, in the politest way possible. So we made plans to meet at a coffee shop at eight the next day. I was bursting with excitement and eager to start as soon as possible, but they didn’t seem to mind the early time. I was in the trailer, heading towards a hotel, when I realized I forgot to ask their names. Only I would be so stupid!

When we got to the hotel, Acacia, Ally, Kelsey (a concessioner) and I headed to our shared room. The circus didn’t have enough money to buy separate hotel rooms for everyone so we were in groups of four. It wasn’t too bad- at least not for me since they were all quiet sleepers.

“So who were the people at the gate?” Ally asked me. We were sitting on the floor, waiting for Kelsey to get out of the shower. Acacia was with us as well, her wet hair wrapped in a towel above her head.

I bit my lip, thinking of the attractive brown haired man. But it was the blond that hugged me… “I’m not sure yet. I’m getting coffee with them tomorrow though.”

“The guys were hot,” Acacia added, her eyes getting starry. I hated to say it, but she was quite a player when it came to guys. I think it had something to do with growing up in a distant family. She didn’t get very much attention when she was little so she craved it now.

Ally scoffed. “I’ve seen better.”

“Well, yeah, but they were still easy on the eyes,” Acacia admired. I stayed out of the conversation, not eager to admit my thoughts on the subject.

As Ally and Acacia argued about what types of guys were hotter, I turned my thoughts to what tomorrow might turn out to be. I hoped they knew about my past life. But what if they did? Would I have to leave my new life to go back to it? Or would I have to deal with the fact that it was gone? Or what if they didn’t know anything and I was getting my hopes up for no reason?

Oh well, I would find out soon enough.

I was at the café at seven thirty. Sure I was a half an hour early, but I had gotten up before the sun and was restless. And that is why I am now sitting alone, sipping a latte and gnawing on a blueberry muffin. I didn’t mind though, the café was almost empty and I enjoyed watching the people that came in and out. I wondered what their day would be like, what their stories were.

Eventually, though, I was joined by the mysterious trio. The girl spoke first, in a voice that sounded slightly too cheery. “Hey! Do you remember anything yet?”

“No.” The question used to bother me, but I was used to it now. The first five weeks that I knew Ally she asked me that every morning. “Sorry, but I couldn’t remember anything but my name and that I was eighteen when I woke up. That hasn’t changed.”

She frowned, taking a seat opposite me as the two guys sat on either side of us. “I’m Kia. We were pretty good friends.”

“I’m Blake and that’s Zane,” the blond, Blake, introduced them both. Zane: that was a nice name, very original. I hoped there was some kind of story between us.

I nodded to show that I understood. “And you guys know me, how?”

“Actually, I barely know you. The only time we started having conversations was the week before you got amnesia.” Zane informed me in his husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. I guess it’s obvious that I found him attractive.

Blake looked uncomfortable. “We were dating…”

“Oh…” I looked down at the table, trying not to feel too awkward. Not that Blake was ugly, because he wasn’t, he just didn’t have the same strong build and sexy features as his... friend?

“It’s alright, I understand that it’s over and when you get your memories back we can talk. Anyways, you probably want to know about your past, right?” Blake quickly changed the subject.

I nodded vigorously. “Yes!”

“We can’t really tell you here, but we’ll go order something to go,” Kia informed me, jumping out of her seat. Blake and Zane stood up as well, following her to the counter. Would it be awful to admit that I liked Zane’s back… a lot? Okay, Victoria, focus.

“You’re crazy!” I exclaimed an hour later. Kia and Blake glanced at each other with worried expressions while Zane looked like he expected me to react that way. And really, how could I not?

Kia ran her hand through her short hair, looking exasperated. “I can’t believe you can’t remember any of this! What did those… jerks… do to you!?”

“Okay one; I have no idea what you’re talking about. And two, I’m leaving now because you are all mentally unstable.” I snapped at them, grabbing my bag from next to the door and rushing out of the hotel room. You’re probably wondering what happened to make me react the way I did so I’ll tell you…

I followed the trio (I was getting used to calling them that) into their hotel room. Zane sat on the chair by the desk while Brandon and Kia sat on the end of one of the beds. I sat on the other and looked at them expectantly. “Why couldn’t we talk at the café?”

“We didn’t want to be overheard,” Brandon informed me. Then he turned to Zane and Kia, “So how do we tell her?”

Instead of answering him, Zane looked over at me. “Victoria, you’re a Mesial.”

“Way to be blunt,” Kia muttered under her breath, but I ignored her. I was trying to figure out what a Mesial was and if I had ever heard of the term before.

 “What is that?” Maybe it was people that came from a certain country? But in that case, wouldn’t I have an accent?

Zane rolled his eyes. “It’s someone who can use one or, in your case, all of the elements. Our home town is Astoria-”

“Astoria? Mesial? Those aren’t even real words.” I cut in. “And no one can control the elements. I’m not even sure what they all are.” All three of them looked pained at my response.

Brandon cleared his throat. “Look, Victoria, I know it’s a lot to take in when you’ve forgotten everything, but you have to try. You wanted to learn about your past, but you won’t even listen to us.” He sounded reasonable, I’ll give him that, but I didn’t give in.

“So let me see if I understand this. We’re all from a magical place called Astoria. And we can control certain ‘elements’.” I said in a mocking tone. I was just waiting for them to give in and realize they weren’t going to fool me.

Kia grinned, bobbing her head up and down with excitement. “Yes!”

“Kia, she was mocking us.” Zane stated, making her grin fade away. She looked disappointed. Zane scoffed and turned back to me. “You need to accept it. You did once already, before you were sent here.”

“You’re crazy!” I exclaimed. And now you know why I was walking out of the hotel room without a second glance. I thought I would finally get to learn something about myself, but I ended up with a bunch of nut-jobs. That was just my luck.

I shook off my disappointment and headed back to my hotel. Still I had to wonder… Why couldn’t they have told me my family lived about an hour away and were worried sick about me? Why couldn’t they at least be sane!?

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