Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up feeling smothered. Zane was taking up the whole couch, forcing me against the back of it. One of his arms was slung over me, one of his legs hanging off the couch. I rolled my eyes and they fell on Blake who was awake in the recliner- and watching us. I acted on instinct and pushed Zane, trying to wake him up... I accidently pushed him off the side of the couch.

He woke with a start, "What happened?"

"Nothing! You fell asleep on the floor?" I offered, glancing between an incredulous Blake and a confused Zane. Who was I trying to fool?

Blake cocked his head. "I already saw him sleeping next to you..." I flushed; of course he did, he'd been staring at us when I woke up.

"Did you push me off the couch?" Zane asked. He looked so innocent with his wide eyes and messy hair, it was adorable.

"No..." I tried. Blake chuckled from where he was sitting.

Zane blinked a few times and stood up. "Why did you push me off the couch? I was sleeping..." He still looked half asleep.

"I was trying to push you awake, but I guess I don't know my own strength." I replied, trying to figure out why Blake wasn't yelling at Zane.

He shook his head. "Fine, I'm going back to sleep." He lied down on one of the recliners and was snoring softly within minutes. I wondered how mad he would've been if he had fully woken up when I pushed him off the couch.

"So you like Zane?" Blake asked, drawing my attention back to him.

I sighed and flattened my hair. "I'm not sure like is the right word."

"Victoria, please just tell me if you like him or not," he pleaded. His eyes looked sad. "Tell me if I still have a chance or if I should give up."

"I feel attracted to Zane in a way that I don't to you," I admitted quietly. I couldn't stand hurting people; especially sweet ones like Blake.

He frowned and nodded, running his hands through his blond locks. "Okay, I guess that's good to know, but you did like me at some point... And I will try my hardest to bring those feelings back to you."

"Blake, don't. This is already way too complicated; we don't need to add anything more. Can we please just focus on the plan?" I asked desperately. In the whole year I'd been at the circus, guys avoided me like the plague and now two were fighting over me?

"I'm not going to sit by and watch you date Zane. He's dangerous and you deserve better; I'm not saying you need to date me, just please not him?" He looked honestly concerned about me.

I gulped, trying not to take his warning to heart. This was only because they hated each other. "Why do you think he's so dangerous?" Blake's eyes flickered to the sleeping Zane and darkened.

"He has a past. What do you want for breakfast?" And just like that the mood lightened, leaving questions buzzing around in my mind. I really didn't need this right now.

After breakfast, I had about an hour of free time before Kia and Missy were going to take me shopping for new clothes. I would've practiced water with Blake, but he'd disappeared. So I went outside and practiced some tricks I had used in the circus; it felt good to do something I remembered and knew like the back of my hand.

I climbed into one of the big trees in front of the house and hooked my knees around a big branch before flipping so I was hanging like a bat. I sighed and closed my eyes in familiarity as the blood rushed to my head. When I started getting light headed, I grabbed the branch with my right arm and jumped off, hanging on with one hand. I did a flip around it before landing back on top, my face stinging from hitting leaves.

Hum, I wondered if I could... Yeah, I bet I could... I jumped from the tree, using momentum to push myself away. I barely had time to think about floating. Thankfully it worked and the air caught me before I hit the sidewalk. I grinned and daintily lowered myself to the ground.

Clapping made me spin around with shock. I hadn't known anyone was out here with me. Drake was there, looking impressed. "How come you remember how to do all that but not control elements?"

"This is purely physical; my body remembers it, the elements thing is emotional and has to do with the mind." I'd been wondering the same thing and after a lot of thinking, this was the conclusion I had reached.

Drake nodded appreciatively. "If I weren't married, I would be right there along with Blake and Zane, trying to get your attention. Brains, looks, great physical abilities and blessed with Akasha. I can see why they like you so much."

"Thank you..." I was flustered and shocked by his words.

He chuckled. "Just saying what I think. Anyways, Kia was looking for you inside."

"Oh okay, thanks," I said again.

He nodded and glanced at the tree I'd been climbing. "I really hope you're who everyone thinks you are." His voice was soft and he didn't intend for me to hear, so I didn't say anything. But I promised I would try my hardest to save Astoria.

"Me too," I whispered before going inside. Kia was standing in the entry way, a look of frustration plastered on her face. It faded when she saw me.

"Tori, it took you long enough," she complained. "And now where is Missy? I could've sworn she was right here..."

Missy returned at that exact moment. "Calm down, you act as if we're running late for something that's actually important. It's only shopping Kia."

Kia turned on her with the most terrifying expression I'd ever seen on her. "Only shopping? This is what makes us women! It's what determines how people think of us for the rest of our lives. If we are rushed, people will know whenever we wear the outfit. If you don't shop right one time, your life can be ruined."

Missy glanced at me with an incredulous look on her face. I shrugged; I was as shocked as her about Kia's sudden attitude. Who knew shopping could mean that much to anyone? Missy tugged at her shirt, looking a little bit nervous. "Okay... Sorry? Let's go so we aren't late," and she ran out of the house.

Kia started giggling and I turned to her, stunned. "Sorry, I just love tricking people into thinking I worship shopping. And it's great to scare Missy because she acts like she's fearless. Sure it's fun, but everything I said was out of some lame magazine."

"Are you serious? And she actually fell for it?" I asked, grinning. Maybe the past me wasn't so stupid; at least she (or I) had a good choice in friends. What other friends did I have? And were they okay too? I hoped I would be able to find out.

She nodded. "Yeah, now let's go before she gets suspicious."

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