Chapter Six

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“You’ve already told me all that!” I exclaimed at the group of kidnappers. We were all crammed around the picnic table, except for Kia and Jason who were sitting on the table and Zane who hadn’t returned.

Kia nodded. “But you don’t believe us.”

“Why would I?” I asked, irritated. The only thing they had done was repeat everything they’d told me the first time; not one thing was different.

No one answered my question, but Blake stood up. “I’ll show her first.” No one protested and he gestured for me to follow him. I did so without a second thought; he was the one that had offered me a way out of here.

We walked in silence for a few moments before stopping at a big river. It was sloshing so loudly, I figured I would’ve heard it at the camp if I hadn’t been so preoccupied. I sat on the bank and looked up at Blake. “So what were you going to show me?” 

He sat down next to me. “You’ll see.” I watched as he lifted his arm and moved it in a strange motion making the water do what water simply couldn’t do. It spiraled upwards, going up and up until it reached the clouds. I didn’t blink.

“I work at a circus; I’ve seen things that are impossible. This is all a trick.” Although, even as I said the words, I wasn’t sure I meant them.

Blake scowled and abruptly pulled his arm back, making the water explode into separate droplets. It was about to hit us when it turned to ice. A thousand ice shards floated in the air in front of me. I was stunned, incapable of the simplest things. It even took me a minute to remember how to breathe.

“If you don’t believe it, feel it for yourself. It’s ice and I made it.” Blake said from my right. Hesitantly, I reached out a hand and touched the one in front of me. It was freezing and real, but I barely noticed because under my finger, it shook before turning to water and dropping down in front of me. 

I couldn’t stop gawking. “No way...”

“You’re starting to believe,” he murmured. I gulped and stood up, approaching another drop of ice. I touched it and the same thing happened, causing me to throw my head back, laughing manically. I was going insane.

I couldn’t stop laughing for a good five minutes, and when Blake tried to approach me I took a step back and continued to laugh. I didn’t know what else to do. There was no way this could be happening, but it was. And then a fire blazed to life right in front of me and I jumped back, the giggles catching in my throat.

I shut my eyes tightly and waited for the pain, but it never came. I hesitantly opened my eyes and found that the fire had disappeared. Zane had reached the clearing while my eyes were shut and was now in a glaring contest with Blake. 

“Why did you do that? You could’ve killed her!” Blake roared, moving to stand between me and Zane. I stared at them, uncomprehending. My brain felt sluggish.

Zane shook his head. “I had it under control. What else was I supposed to do? She needed to be snapped out of her shock. What did you do to cause that anyways?”

“Everything was fine before you came over here,” Blake said in a tight voice. Fine wasn’t the word I would’ve used.

“Oh yeah, it really looked that way,” Zane replied sarcastically. 

I sighed and stepped forward, only to have Blake grab my wrist, stopping me. I shook him off. “Don’t touch me,” I snapped at him. He looked shocked and hurt, but I didn’t care right then. I looked between the boys that were acting as if they wanted to kill each other. “I’m a bit more open-minded right now, so why don’t you try explaining things again rather than fighting?”

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