A Detour to Puerto Rico Part 1

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    (There will be some sad feels, sibling fluff, and mentioned Solangelo fluff in this chapter. Enjoy!XOXOXO Brid)

     (F/n)'s POV

     "A detour? For what?" I asked nervously. Leo gave me an awkward smile and answered, "Wellllllll it's kinda of a long story..."

     I pulled up a chair and sat down at the table with everyone else. Nico suddenly got up and said, "I need to do something," before walking back to his room. Leo, Andy, and I looked at him weirdly, but Bre, on the other hand, was giggling.

"What are you giggling about?" Andy asked, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. Bre had a stupid kiddy grin on her face and answered, "Nothing~!"

Andy and I rolled out eyes at her typical behavior. At least, she was better. Leo then sighed and makes a map appear. He then whipped out a laser pointer and said, "Right now we're above the Atlantic Ocean and near South America," before pointing to our current location.

"This morning when I did the ship's routinely check, I discover that an important part was damaged because of the empousai attack. Buford has managed to substitute some of his parts to keep the ship going and not crash into the ocean. We're also a bit low on supplies, so we need to land the ship somewhere. Luckily, we're close to Puerto Rico, so we can make a pit stop there!"

I suddenly raised my hand and Leo asked, "Yeah, (F/n)?"

"Wouldn't this affect our quest?" I asked. I mentally face-palmed at my question. Leo's smile slowly disappeared as he answered, "Sadly, this will cut some time in our given period. But good news is I added some new stuff to the ship, so we can hyper travel to Greece! Also I have more news to share. I got an IM from Percy about Camp Half Blood's status. Apparently there was at least 3 attacks on camp, but no one died. Many were injured though. I also received an IM from Jason about Camp Jupiter. The Romans will be joining us soon and no attacks on the camp from Ouranos' minions have occurred."

Suddenly Nico walked into the dining room and Bre bursted into a fit of giggles. Leo, Andy, and I stared at Nico and asked in unison, "Why is Bre laughing at you?"

Nico's pale cheeks turned pink as he mumbled, "It's nothing..." before sitting back down at the table. Bre was still laughing, but suddenly stopped, when Andy Maka-chopped her on the head with a book.

"OWWWW Andyyyyy! What was that forrrr?!" Bre whined as she rubbed her head in pain. Andy rolled her eyes and answered, "For your non-stop giggling! Why were you giggling?!"

Bre regain her persona and gave Nico a mix of a death glare and a stupid grin. She suddenly stood up and pointed to Nico. The crazed Italian girl then shouted, "Nico went to go see his boyfriend~"

Nico's face turned bright red and gave Bre his famous death glare. Andy, Leo, and I smiled at him and awed. Bre just stuck her tongue out at him before continuing.

"Yup! Nico was so worried about Will that he shadow-traveled to camp, not once, not twice, but three times!" laughed Bre. Nico growled at her and whipped out his Stygian Iron sword. Bre's eyes widen and whispered, "For Solangelo!" before sprinting. Nico let out a battle cry before chasing after her. Andy, Leo, and I looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Oh my gods! That was hilarious!" Leo laughed while clutching his sides. Andy had tears in her eyes from laughing too much. I had tears streaming down my face from the cousins' antics. Our laugh feast lasted for about a couple of minutes and we regain our composures.

"By the way, Leo, how long until we make it to Puerto Rico?" Andy asked before adjusting her glasses. Leo checked the clock and answered, "About a hour or two..."

Andy nodded before getting up and brushing off some imaginary dust. Leo and I looked at her and asked, "Where you going?"

"I'm gonna make sure that Bre didn't get killed by Nico. Don't underestimate their power," Andy stated before she sweat-dropped and left the room. Leo and I bursted out laughing at the way she said that. Our laughter rang through the dining room.

"Hey (F/n)...I have a question for you..." Leo asked as laughter ceased. I looked at him confusedly and asked, "What's wrong?"

"This war...do you think we'll survive...?" Leo asked in a sad tone. Silence was shared between us. I looked at him, dead in the eye, and answered, "We will. We must. We have family and friends who need us."

     Leo suddenly turned away from me. I looked at him confusedly and placed one of my arms around his shoulders. I whispered to him, "Leo, what's wrong? Was it something I said?"

     A sniffle came from Leo before tears began to steam down his face. My eyes widen in shock as I saw my big brother cry. I quickly hugged him and frantically asked, "Leo?! Leo, what's wrong?!"

     "Fa-fa-family...fri-fri-friends...I-I-I do-don't w-want t-t-to l-l-lose th-th-them..." Leo spoke through the tears. I placed my head in the crook of his neck and quietly sung a Welsh lullaby that Aunt Tracy would sing to me when I was little.

Plentyn cysgu
cysgu y hunllefau i ffwrdd
Rwy'n Yma i warchod
oddi wrthynt
Plentyn , ni fydd neb byth yn brifo chi
Cyn belled ag y rwy'n yma
cysgu drwy'r nos

     Suddenly snoring came from Leo. I looked at him to see that my big brother was sleeping. I softly smiled at him and whispered, "I love you, big brother. Stay strong please," before kissing his forehead and falling asleep with him.

     (I forgot to mention something very super important! Aunt Tracy is actually not (F/n)'s biological aunt. Aunt Tracy was adopted by (F/n)'s mother's family. Sorry if this caused any of you guys any confusion. I hope you're enjoying this fanfic! XOXOXO Brid)

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