Arriving in Kaimei Chora

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     (F/n)'s POV

     My eyes slowly fluttered open as I was awaken from slumber. Memories of last night flashed in my mind. I groaned in agony and got up from the bed. I then walked back to my room and changed into an usual camp outfit.

     "I probably should have a light, but hearty breakfast!" I exclaimed to myself. I walked out of my room and to the mess hall. Everyone, but Nico, was in the mess hall, eating. I sat down with a plate, some eating utensils,  and a glass. Suddenly eggs and toast appeared on my place and my glass was filled with milk.

     "Does anyone know where Nico is?" I asked. Leo and Andy shrugged their shoulders. Bre pondered on my question for a bit and answered, "I think he's either sleeping or taking a shower."

     My face suddenly exploded red in remembrance of the shower accident. Bre, Andy, and Leo laughed at me. Speak of the devil, Nico suddenly walked into the mess hall, hair disheveled and still in his pajamas. He looked at all of us, like we were Gorgons.

"I'm not even going to ask," Nico mumbled to himself before sitting down with a plate and glass that magically had pancakes and water in or on them. Bre, Andy, and Leo laughed at him for a bit. Suddenly Leo stopped laughing and asked, "Wait what's today?"

"The 20th," answered Andy immediately. Silence fell upon the room and Leo ran to the control room. Suddenly the ship began to experience bad turbulence. Bre fell on me while Andy fell on Nico as the turbulence happened. We yelled in different languages. Suddenly Andy and Nico landed on Bre and I before the turbulence stopped.

"Ouch..." I groaned as everyone's, but Leo's, weight was crushing me. Nico, Bre, and Andy got up and apologized. Then Leo ran back to the mess hall and exclaimed, "We have arrived at Kaimeni Chora! It's time for departure!"

    He beckoned us to follow him outside. We did and I noticed that Leo docked the ship near a vast green valley. I could see the volcano, Methana, in the distance. We left the ship and waited for Leo to explain some "genius" plan of his.

     "Guess we just need to hike to the volcano," stated Leo. We nodded and began hiking. It was very silent as we walked through the vast trees. Suddenly I spotted an elderly woman with a weaved basket full of fruit on the ground. We all stopped in our tracks.

     "Ma'm, are you okay?" Andy asked worriedly. The elderly lady coughed, "I was *cough* walking back *cough* to my *cough* village with *cough* today's food *cough* when I *cough* tripped on *cough* root...please *cough* help."

     Bre and Nico walked closer to her and carefully helped her up. She weakly smiled and thanked us. Then suddenly Leo offered, "Do you want us to take you back to your village? You don't seem like you're in good condition to walk back on your own."

"That would be lovely!" beamed the lady. She then began to lead us away from the volcano and towards a river. I had a bad feeling about this. Suddenly the lady stopped walking and stood in front of the raging river. She smiled at us and asked creepily, "The child of Poseidon, can you help me pass the raging river?"

"Child of Poseidon? What do Greek gods have to do with helping you get back to your village?" asked Andy, trying to play dumb. The lady began to manically laugh and a sudden cloud of dark must formed around her. Once the most disappeared, what was left of the elderly lady was a handsome cloaked man.

"Dolos!" Andy shouted in shock. Suddenly I remembered learning about Dolos in our Greek mythology unit back in Language Arts. Dolos was the god of trickery and guile. He was laughing at us and answered, "If you want to Methana, then you have to beat my puzzle. Ta ta, demigods!" before disappearing in a burst of dark mist.

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