Chapter Twenty Seven: CF Shoot

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[Author's Note: Hello, Readers! So how is the story up to this point? ;A; Please leave comments! and if possibly a vote would be nice hahahaha ^^]

Super Junior members were on their way to a swimming center to film a swimsuit commercial.

In the car, the members talked about how excited they were.

"I really cant swim hyung!" Donghae told Heechul.

"Use floaties, floaties! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Heechul laughed!

"Im not a baby hyung! HAHAAHAHHAHAHAH!" Donghae laughed too.

"Dont worry, we'll only let you film on the kiddie pool Donghae HAHAHAHAHAAH!" Prince Manager added fuel to the fire!

"WAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAH!!" The members in the car all laughed in unison!

At that moment, Donghae felt like he belongs now. Being able to have fun with the members gave him happiness he never felt since his arrival.

"Hyungs," he called out.

The members looked at him.

"Lets go on for a long time!" Donghae smiled.

"Whats with this sudden motivational speech!" Sungmin pretended he had

Everyone wore different types of swimwears, each member's charms were executed perfectly by their swimming attires.

Donghae got the newest swimming shorts. He didnt have any tops on so his biceps were roaring.

"Damn Hyung! You work out alot!" Ryeowook said wearing his full body suit.

"Yeah so you should start working too!" Siwon startled Ryeowook, he made him jump!

"SIWON!!!!" Ryeowook yelled!

"Chill Chill my bro!" Siwon laughed.

Siwom wore swimming trunks and he looked absolutely sexy!

Donghae didnt want to laugh but he couldnt hold it in any longer, he bursted out laughing along with Siwon.

"Kids!!!!!!" Leeteuk ran to them and pushed the three into the pool.

Ryeowook, Siwon and Donghae were all dunked into the pool!

Ryeowook and Siwon gained their balance in the water and started laughing,


"COME HERE HYUNG!!!!" Ryeowook yelled at his leader!

"Cmon you brats lets start filming over there!" Leeteuk laughed.

Leeteuk looked at the two as they get out of the water.

"Wait," Leeteuk paused "Wheres Donghae?" He looked at Siwon and Ryeowook.

They turned back and suddenly,

Someone jumped into the water to get Donghae.

"DONGHAE!" Leeteuk jumped in

He was about to swim when someone surfaced, he was holding Donghae.

It was Eunhyuk.

Between Eunhyuk's one arm, theres Donghae unconsious.

Because Donghae was heavy, Eunhyuk had a hard time swimming towards the edge of the pool.

"Hyung help!" Eunhyuk called Leeteuk, the leader quickly came to his aid.

They lifted Donghae out of the pool and tried to gain back his consiousness.

"Teuk hyung! Didnt you learn first aid?! Hurry up and do something!" Eunhyuk told Leeteuk

"I- I...." Leeteuk couldnt finish what he was about to say because medic and the filming crew came in running towards them.

Donghae was still unconcious. He was at the brink of death.

The medic team did all they can and fortunately, Donghae opened his eyes.

He coughed and water came out of his mouth.

"Donghae!" Leeteuk held his hand "Thank god youre okay!" he held his hands against his forehead.

"Im so sorry I was irresponsible," Leeteuk apologized "I shouldve been more careful," he added.

"Its okay Hyung," Donghae smiled.

Eunhyuk who was there beside him stood in silence.

Donghae sat up and told everyone hes okay, that they shouldnt worry about him.

"Im so sorry for causing this trouble everyone," He apologized "Filming time was delayed because of this, everyone is working very hard and I dont want to be a burden to you. Im very sorry for this, Ill be careful not to bother everyone Im very sorry," he added.

"Hyung, Its okay, right everyone? right PD nim?" Yesung smiled at everyone.

Everyone in the room nodded and was happy that Donghae is safe. They were fuelled to make this commercial shoot the best one!


Eunhyuk's Point Of View.

"I heard Siwon was planning to pull a prank on us!" Leeteuk hyung told me.

That brat! HAAHAHAHAHAH He thinks he can prank us?! HAHAHAHA!

Teuk Hyung and I laughed our asses off as we were walking towards the pools.

Oh? Is that Siwon, Donghae and Ryeowook?

"Oh? Siwon looks like hes trying to recruit those two as accomplice!" Leeteuk Hyung said with a mischievous smile on his face "Should I?"

Since Siwon is pranking us, We should too! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!

"Do it hyung! HAHAHAHAHHA!" I laughed

Teuk hyung ran!

"Kids!!!!!!" i heard him yell!


Prank us back now Siwon! HAHAHAHAAHAHAH! This is fun!

I like spending time like this with my members!

Siwon and Ryeowook surfaced and laughed! I could hear their voices HAHAHAHAHHAA!





I ran towards him without even thinking.

I know I hated him, I want him gone. But not like this.

I cant let him die.

Its wrong and inhuman.

I found myself under the water, swimming towards him.

Someone had to take action and Teuk hyung was slow enough to see him down there.

If I didnt go he would die.

I called Hyung when we surfaced, Donghae was hella heavy!

We pulled him out and attempted to gain his conciousness.

"Teuk hyung! Didnt you learn first aid?! Hurry up and do something!"

Teuk hyung learned first aid! He should know!

We should act quick before its too late!


I turned and looked,

Medic team and the filming crew were running towards us,

I took a step back..

Everything should be okay.

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