Part 1

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One night in Fraggle Rock, Boober Fraggle could not sleep, because his girlfriend, Mokey, was expecting a child.  Boober knew that Mokey's due date was very near.  Boober yawned and rubbed his face, and then looked at Mokey, who was sleeping.  Boober stroked Mokey's hair and kissed her softly on the cheek.  Boober woke up the next morning and when he got up, Mokey was still sleeping.  Boober gently rubbed Mokey's back and whispered, "Mokey... Good morning Honey." Suddenly, Mokey sat up in bed, and rubbed her eyes and replied, "Good Morning Boober." The two Fraggles kissed each other and Boober placed his hand on Mokey's tummy and said, "How are you feeling?" Mokey smiled, and placed her hand on top of Boober's and sweetly replied, "I feel just fine. How are you feeling Boober?"  Boober sighed and responded, "Nervous."  Mokey was confused on why Boober was nervous. She asked, "How come?" Boober explained that he was nervous and scared because the time for their baby to come was very near.  Mokey understood, but she said, "Now don't you worry Boober, everything will be just fine." Boober loved how reassuring his girlfriend is, Mokey is reassuring to all of the Fraggles in Fraggle Rock.  Boober asked, "How is the baby? Is she doing alright?" Mokey giggled and replied, "Yes Boober, the baby is just fine. She's sleeping now. But once she wakes up, she'll be kicking inside of me!" The Fraggle couple laughed, and suddenly, Mokey felt a little kick inside of her, and she said, "Oh! Boober! Put your hand right here and you'll feel a kick." Boober did so, and a few minutes later, he felt a little foot, it was almost like a little butterfly fluttering its wings inside of Mokey. The two Fraggles looked at each other, and smiled, and Boober kissed Mokey's tummy, which she knows that kiss was for the baby, and Boober sat on the bed with Mokey, and he kissed her on the cheek.

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