Part 6

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Red rushed Boober down halls, and around tunnels until they finally saw Mokey in bed, and Wembley was with her.  "Mokey is having contractions Red." Said Wembley Red ran over to Mokey, and Mokey smiled and said, "It's going to be alright Red." Red held Mokey's hand, and Mokey drew in a really sharp breath as another contraction started. This was getting exciting! The four Fraggle were thrilled, but yet worried. Red, Boober , Gobo and Wembley don't know if Mokey was going to get through this alive, but Mokey was brave, and just told Boober, " Boober, Please go and get Weft. I can feel the baby going down." Boober knew that the little fraggle was comming, so he ran to Weft's cave and told her that Mokey was about to give birth. So Weft and Boober ran through halls , over Rocks, and through tunnels, and Weft saw Mokey trying to push. The little fraggle was about to be born, but Weft wanted to check the baby's position. The baby fraggle was in the correct position, and they were ready. " Alright Mokey, What I want you to do is push as hard as you can. One, Two, Three, Push!" Boober held Mokey's hand as she pushed, and let out a cry of pain. "Good job dear," Weft said " Now Push again." Boober encouraged Mokey to push " Push , Push Mokey, Push. You can do this!" So Mokey pushed and she screamed a scream of pain, "AHHHHHH! Oh my God, This hurts!" " I know it hurts dear," Weft Said "but you are doing great. Now relax, and just breathe for a moment."  Mokey looked at Boober, and Boober said " Just breathe Mokey, just breathe honey." Mokey breathed and breathed until she got her strength to push again. Weft said, "Alright everyone, this is the moment of truth, this is the last push." The baby Fraggle was almost out, and Weft said to Mokey, " One more big push Mokey, one more push." Boober was all excited, and so were the others, so Mokey gave one last push, and both Mokey and Boober screamed. Suddenly, Mokey felt no pain. Weft smiled at Mokey, and said " Congradulations. It's a baby girl." Mokey and Boober looked at eachother, and back at Weft, who was holding a bundle of damp purple fur, and placed the little baby fraggle in Mokey's arms. Mokey and Boober smiled, and Boober kissed Mokey softly on the cheek. They were both very happy, and so were Red, Gobo, and Wembley. They decided to call the baby fraggle Lilly, meaning  innocence, purity and beauty. "Happy birthday sweetie!" Mokey said sweetly "Welcome to the world."

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